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TT is holy and harmlefs himfelf, he loves thefe qua sties, and is able and willing to work them in thefe that come to him) and fuck an high Priefl became us, He is one that bath compa f on on the ignorant, and fuch as are out of the sway ; -wvho was in all points tempted as we, yet without fin, that he may, from his own experience, the more kindly and ftrongly fympathize with his People, and fuccourthem in all their temptations ; an high Prieft, that is touched with tie feeling of their infirmities ; the aiking of the least finger cr toe in his myttical body, ftounds up, as it were, to the ve- ry heart of him who is the head thereof. And, Chap. z. it behoved hint to be made like to his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high Priefl, &c. 4tbly, The excellency and efficacy of it appears in this, even in the exceeding great freenefs of his applying this cure There is no more required, hut to come and receive it; to come, however unclean, and be fprinkled with his blood ; to confefs the debt of guilt, and draw out an extra& of the difcharge, by verme of his payment thereof ; and, if there be any pollution in the Confcience, any challenge or fore, whatever it be, he furniíheth the remedy and cure freely and frankly. Now, a word to the zd thing, viz. the neceffity of this blood of fprinkling; If it be fo, as we have faid, if it be fo vertuous and efficacious, is there not here an encou- ragement for the guilty, to flee to this blood ? and is there not a neceffity to make ufe of it, a very preing, and vehemently urging necceífity ? For, as it was not poi fible for the manflayer to Land with fafety before the avenger of blood, out of the city of refuge ; fo no more can the guilty fanner Eland before his own Confcience, and far lefs before the tribunal of God, who is greater than the. Confcience, till his blood be fled unto, and till he ,get his Confcience fprinkled with it : And therefore, feeing ye have Confciences, and guilty Confciences, many fns on your fcore, and tho' the Confcience now fleep,, it will molt cer- tainly once awake, and turn a hot and hard purfuer, far beyond what ever any avenger of blood was ; and the longer that it fleep,it will purfue the harder : And, feeing Christ jells is as a city of refuge, to whom ye may now flee and be fife, conf,dcr, O confider thefe words of A the