Ilenge, let be of the vindi &ive wrath of God, have been :Idly, To the (inner that flees to this city, there is ftrong confolation, in this refpe&, that he ?hall be made wel- come ; and therefore the believer needs not (care to make ufe of Chrift, nor to come to this blood of fprinkling; for he waits for employment, and 'tis the more to the praife of his exquifite skill, the mo be cleanfed and cured by him through the vertue thereof : Ye may therefore Come, and not only fo, but come with full affurance of faith of attaining whatever ye want, and would have. Come therefore, believers, boldly to the throne of grace, that ye may find mercy, and obtain grace to help in time of :seed ; as on this ground the apoftle exhorts, Heb. 4. 16. idly, Thefe that have fled to this city of refuge,may quiet themfelves ; they are at peace with God, and with their own Confcience ; their peace is as lure as God's covenant, that cannot be annulled nor altered, is,and as Chrift's pur- chafe is of worth and efficacy. If the covenant of grace be firm and true , and if this blood of fprirkling be of va- lue and efficacy, they have certainly folid grounds of peace and confolation : And therefore we exhort beli- evers in Chrift on all occafons to flee to this city, to renew your application by faith to Jefus Chrift, and after every defilement to befprinkle your Confciences with this blood, and then comfort yourfelves in it ; and biefs God, who allowes fuch large and fErong confolati- ón on You ; and the Mediator, who hath purchafed it for you, by this own molt precious blood. But force tender and exercifed foul will, belike here, objetf, and fay, Is it not prefumption for me, to comfort mayfeif under challenges for fin ? I anfwer, No, thou taking with the challenge, and being humbled for the fin that is the ground of it, and betaking thyfelf to this blood of fprinkling for pardon and purging; be- chufe the apoftle commands thee to comfort thyfelf, and lure he commands none to prefunje. To whom, I pray, is it that he (peaks here ? is it not to them that have an evil "Confcience, at leaft in part ? And what fail he to them ? Let NI draw near in full affurance of faith ; and on what ground? Having our hearts fprinkl ed from. an eril Confeietue. When the Confcience through guilt c lal1engethr,