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GL OW' /YAWL - chailengeth, we are called to flee to this blood ; and, hay ing fprinkled it therewith, we have warrant to draw near and it is not prefumption to do fo : Nay, rating on Chrift, and comforting ourfelves in him,' under chal- lenges taken with, argues ftrong faith, wherein he hath great complacency, and whereby he is much glorified; for prefumption will never Rand before an evil Confci_ once, nor credit Chrift when Confcience fharply challen- geth : So that, if ye come by this new and living way, it is not prefumption to lean to Chrift; but that is prefum- ption, to lean to any other thing. Nay, the more humble boldnefs and confidence there be under challenges, it ar- gues (as I juif now laid) the more and the ftronger faith; becaufe 'tis the more fickerly founded on the covenant of God, and on the blood of Chrift ; and it gives God molt glory, when the difficulty is greateft. It is no great pra&ique to calm the Confcience, when there is no form; but then indeed it is fo,when there are many waves and bil- lows of challenges and difcouragements riling and (wel- ling high in the way, to go over all thefe, and to grip hard to this rope call out by him, and confidently, tho numbly, and in fear, to make ufe of this remedy,which he bath gracioufly propofed : It will never be accoun- ted prefumption by him, for ferious fouls to take to them - felves God's allowance on them, which is t rong confola,. tion to them who are hotly purfued, and flee to this city of refuge; but it may very readily be accounted pre - fumption to cart at his allowance : He knows well (who hath the tongue of the learned) when to give a word of confolation, and to whom ; and we are not to be wifer than he. The 4th Ufe is for advertifement and warning to others, who are not believers, but ly ffill in unbelief, and flight our bleffed Lord Jefus. 0 what a dreadful difadvantage and premunire (to fpeak fo) will ye fall under ! Your condition is fearful beyond what words can exprefs, or thoughts fully comprehend: Tho' your Confcience fleep now, it will up upon you ; and the longer it fleep, it will (to fpeak fo) waken the hungrier, ancá gnaw the forer : This, O this, is your great pre- judice, ye make yourfcives obnoxious to the fierce wrath