072 Heb. To. 2'2. Wrath of th Almighty God, and to the biting chall n- ges and for enting accufations of your own evil Confci- ence, which will be more terrible to you than if hills and mountains did fall on you; the one will be.called and cried for as a favour .in comparifori of the other It will in that day appear, that an evil Confcience was, and is, a dreadful evil thing ; and ye will have this aggravation of your guilt, even the defpiüng of the Redeemer, and of the dear price of his precious blood paid for the ranfom of finners ; of the Phyfician that offered perfeetly at hit own colt to cure you, and of the Cautioner that offered freely and frankly to pay your debt; and this will wait upon you, to make the prickings and piercings, the wòundings and floundings, the gallings and gaawings of the Confcience more deep and intolerable : Therefore let me, in the name of the Lord (who is in earneft with you and we defire, according to our meafure, to be in earneft With you) warn you to flee from the wrath to come. O know, that ye have Confciences, and that they (as I faid before) will once awake ; and when they fhall begin to be routed, O but they will challenge and accufe in a dreadful manner! Lay your account to meetwith fuch un.. anfwerable challenges and confounding accúfations : And, if there be no other ground whereon ye can with fafety bottom the eternal falvation of your immortal fouls, but the righteoufhefs of Chrift ; if nothing can pofíiibly purge and pacify, cleanfe and calm the Confcience, but coming to, and wafhing at, this fountain of the blood of Chrift, O come in time ! If ye cannot wafh: yourfelttes, put him to it, as David doth, Pfal. 51. when he cries,Wafb me,cleanfe me, purge me,wa fb me throughly from mine iniquities. It will be no excufe, I affure you, it will be no plea, no apology for you ih the great day, to alledge, that ye could not do it, fince he offered himfelf as a fountain to wafh at, and to wafh you all in particular that hear me this day, and is doing fo very ferioufly juft now, if you will imploy and put 'him to it ; Confider that fad word, ye*. 13. 27. Wa unto thee, O Jerufalem, wilt thou not be made clean ? when /ball it once be ? It is not, Canfl thou not make thyfelf clean but, Wilt thou not be made clean? to wit, by me, who Urn able to do it, and offer to 40 it freely, if thou beet but