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:xxvi The eifite to the Rea er. be at midnight,raife all the family, and put them into forne fright ; as if thieves and robbers were breaking in upon them : But they think the lefs of this, and bear the bet- ter with it, as being fure that, when the thief or robber comes in very deed, he will give them the alarm ; and there are very few, or none, that will not far rather chufe to have one or two, yea feveral falle alarms, tho' fome- what difquieting, than to want a true one when there is juff ground for it, and when by means thereof they may prevent the cutting of their throats, or fpoiling of their goods. Let then the Confcience be well informed by the word ; let its dietates, according thereunto, be tenderly complied with, and none of them countera&ed ; and let its checks, challenges, accufations, with its anfwers, teffimonies and excufes,according to their refpe&ive grounds and reafons, be carefully liffned to and admitted. In a word,let all flu dy once to have a good Confcience, and to be always exer- cifed to keep it void of offence toward God and toward men : And then great honour and glory would- redound to God, the Lord and Sovereign of the Confcience fuitable and due deference would be given to his word, as that whereby the Confcience is rightly informed ; the peace of mens own Confciences would flow as a river, the offen- ding and !fumbling of others would be much prevented, the profeffion of the do&rine of the gofpel of Chrift would be much adorned and. beautified ; and men of all ranks, ftations, capacities and relations,. as magiftrates and fubje &s, paftors and., flocks, husbands and wives, parents and children,maffers and. fervants, teachers and fchollars, buyers and fellers, Eyc. would be Wettings from God one tb another, whichwould make a little heaven upon earth To all which thefe few excellent formons are fingularly con- tributive. That they may therefore come with a fpecial blefiìng to all the readers of them, and more particularly to the inhabitants of the city of Glafgow, where they w ,ere preached many years ago, is the delire of air fervant in tke oJJel, November r ft, y C. 1654. fl ZAVEN