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42 tr ;Yrautz n. us, or offomething deputed in us byGod to keep a record of all our carriage and particular a&ions,and fo 'tis looked on as force way different from us ; Hence it is called a teflimony, the teflimony of our Confcience ; hence alfo a man will appeal to his Confcience : And it Both, when in any rneafure in exercife, impartially and incorruptly hear wit-. nefs ; and a man's Confcience will fpeak againfl: him, as if it were at all no part of him, neither can he command it fi- lence. However then we call ir, It is a power deputed in the foul of man by God,ta1eing orders from hirn,andfrorn his revea- led will and 'wcrd, and accufing or excufing the man as be reels : It is called, Pray. 2o. 27. The candle of the Lord; it is above man in its fentencing and accufing, and will not be commanded by him. To clear it yet a little further, there are in Confcience thefe three things, i. There is the laying down of tome ground, fuch as the law or the word of God, by which it puts a man to trial ; which is that we call the major or firft propefition of the argument : As we may fee in 5udas when his cnfcience wakened ; it lays down this ground (which is done by light) He that is guilty of in- nocent blood, hath broken the law of God, and may ex- pe& horrible wrath. 2. There is an affuming, which is the minor or fecond propofition of the argument, or the 4ffumption, if the man be guilty, of 'Tuck and fuch fin ; as thus, But I rudas am guilty of innocent biood,and have broken the command of God (and this the Confcience by, its tel'hmony conlrmeth.) Then, 3. It draweth the con- clufnon, and fpeaks forth the man's lot, and gives out his Doom, what he may expe& ; as in the prefent inflance, Thou irdas mayft expect: horrible wrath from God: This Confcience applies and lays home unto him. Every Con - feience has thefe three in lets or more. The way of Con- fcience its reafoning and concluding, is different from a man's knowledge and light; for a man may fee fin, and not be'touched with it : It differs Iikewife from the me- ivory, for a man may remember that which affe&eth him not : It differeth from felf examination, for that, if it be Mere examination, brings a man only to know that he lies Under fuch and fuch fins,fo and fo ctrcumflantiated. Tho' it make ufe of all thefe three as its inftrunients, yet it goes