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on A &s 24. 16. 5 5 firíi place; but that which we are now fpeaking to, is concerning taking advice from Confcience,which, i. Doth make the Law fpeak more fenfibly, lively and aloud, than before. a. It maketh it fpeak more plainly ; for, when peoples reafon will be ready to fluffle by a word, that fame word coming into, and taking hold of the Confci- ence, will become more clear and convincing, and it maketh the underftanding, being thereby made more fingle, to take it up better. 3. It maketh the man more impartial, when the word cometh not to his judgment only : Neither will he leave the:word with his light and reafon fimply, nor to debate with his inclination and of feetion ; but putteth the word and his Confcience toge- ther, and taketh the meaning of it fame way immediate- ly from his Confcience ; it maketh him fingle and unbiaf- fed (as I fail before ;) and fometimes as Confcience will fpeak, when the judgment hath little or nothing to fay, fo it decideth often betwixt the oppofite reafonings of the judgment for both fides. 4. The advice and dictate of Confcience is much more powerful than that of the Pimple judgment and reafon,and adhereth better and more close - ly than affection or inclination. Confcience being more direEtly God's deputy, and in a more immediate fubor- dination to him,it flicked' more tenacioufly by duty ; and it being as a check to our humours, and as a compafs to fleer our contle by in all things,we are to be fwayed by its advice ; hence force, who can almoll debate, nothing in reafon,yet will not dare for Confcience to do fttch a thing. Some neceffaiy icef ions relating to pra:ice arifè from this Ufe, which we fhall fpeak a few words to ; As, r. If any other thing betide Confcience may have an impulfe to duty ? a. If other things may have an impulfe to duty (whether it be credit, interef, inclination, will, or af- fe &ion) how may the impulfe of tilt-Se be difcerned and differenced from the impulfe of Confcience ? 3. Whe- ther the dielates of Confcience may always be followed, Being its impulfe may be wrong ? 4. What flaould be.done in Inch a cafe, and how may we difference what is right ? 5. Whether a man and his Confcience may be friends and agree together, in a wrong caufe or practice ? For the firfl , ej/iov, Whether any thing betide Con- D 4 f`cietic.