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on ß24. 16. 57 fufFered him to get no refi until the ill -turn was done; under pretext of keeping his oath. Herod was predomi- nantly fwayed by thofe who fat at table with him, and would have thought that he was to be excufed becaufe otherwife he could not forfooth keep his oath, who yet had broken many an oath, and made no bones of them. For the fecond tefion, How may the impulfe of Con- felence be known and difcerned from the impulfe of cre- dit, intereft, inclination, will and afleEtion ? .dnfwer, By the word, To the law, and to the teflimony, Ifa, 8. 2o.. Confcience is fubje&e to that, and Confcience never readily pufheth againff duty holden out by the word; Confcience would never bid Herod take away the life of an innocent man. 2. If a man be dark and doubtful in a particular, Confcience, as Confcience, is always tingle ; but credit, inte- reft, and the like, have always fome by- refpe&, which ffealeth in, and drowneth Confcience,reprefenting to it,that fuch and filch lofs or prejudice will follow on fuch a thing. Intereff and reputation will make a man fay, I would not do fuch a thing if I could do otherwife; but, thall I hazard all my eflate, and pofìly my life alío ? this I may not do; and when intertff and particularity prevail, they make him to ffep over Confcience, and to think that he doth no fault é When it is force particular hazard that fwayeth him, intereft is fatisfied from a fitp- pofed necefíity, . but enfcience acknowledgeth not that rule ; in outward things, when the man can do no other- wife, it will put him to chufe fuftèring: 3. When cre- dit, intereft, and the like pufh, their impulfe is partial and violent, but the impulfe of Confcience is impartial and fober Confcience fwaying the man, puíheth him from the awe of God, and 'from love to him, and to all that is known to be duty, impartially ; as to pray, read, meditate, confer, E?c. but when intereft, credit or inch -- natiòn fway him, they will drive him to one thing and not to another, and more efpecially to that which may fatisfy his humour, and that violently t But, for the more exerciting duties of religion, as to humble himfelf before God, to repent of fin, to meditate, Ere. it loth not puff ?, or but very coldly and flowly. As force men will have, an impulfe to provide for their families, and they will ride and