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iv The fIle bolinefs. His underfianding was a Iamp of clear and pure light, without any the leaft meafure or mixture of culpable darknefs or ignorance ; it was able clearly and diflin&ly to reprefent all obje&s, competent for him to know, with wonderful readinefs and facility. His will was (to fay fo) ftraight as a rufh, without any the leaft finful crook, or finifler biais, inclining only and per. fe &ly to that which was good, and altogether averfe from every thing that was evil; there being a thorow agree - ment betwixt his will, and the will of God ; fo that he willed what he willed, and nilled what he nilled, All his afc eliions moved only and conflantly towards right and commanded obje &s, and that with perfc &ion of regularity in all their motions. His memory was of ftrong retention, neither knew he, while he remained fuch, what it was to forget any thing that was fuitable and in- cumbent for him to remember. His confcience was in ex- cellent cafe to refle& ; and, there being no ground for any challenge, reproof; or accufation, it did only commend and applaud ; in a word, it did moft faithfully and exa&- ly at the part of God's Deputy, following his orders pun&ually and precifely, and fo was kept in an in diflurbed calm, and perfe&ly ferene tranquillity. The members of his body were fervants only to righteoufnefs, and, with holy alacrity, fubferved the foul in all its ope- rations, But, ah : the entring in of curled fin, made a fad, forrowful and ftupendious Cataftrophe letting on fire, as it were, the whole courfe of nature, and putting its very foundatiogs throe way out of courfe, and deplorably defacing the curious, flately, magnificent, beautiful and glorious fabrick of this little world Man quite vitiating and corrupting all the faculties, powers and parts of his foul and body, which, by the exa& and exquifite fymetry and harmony thereof, through the image of God con - created with him, made him, while it remained in its integrity, incapable of all fuch motions, or a &ions, which 4hould be fubfervient unto, or compliant with, any thing contrary unto, or different from it. His undemanding, the leading faculty, and the eye (as it were) of the foul, became an abyfs and dungeon of darknefs, cove- red all over with fogs, mitts and clouds of ignorance,