onAcs24.16. 4'5 the fcripture to he feared as with a hot iron ; this hard- neth in a very high degree, when a man runneth over the belly of his Conicience, trampling on it, and doing all ira a manner that he can to make it fenflefs and benummed, fo that he is no more fenfible of a pricke from it, than dead flesh is of the thrufl of a pin, or of a knife ; habitual fin-- ring, and the judgment of God joined together, bring on this, which is called, Rom. i. 28. giving up to a re- probate mind ; fo that, as it is, 32, Though they know the judgment of God, that, they who commit fuch things are worthy of death, yet not only do the fame, but have pleajure i» them that do them. It is not of thefe Confciences that we mean, when we fay, that ye should fo walk as ye give not offence to your Confcience in any thing : The Confcience of many fpeak- eth, but, alas, they flop the mouth of it ; therefore take every fort of Confcience to the word, and fufpeet that Confcience, that is filent when the word fpeaketh. A 4th ueflion is, Whether a man that bath an erring Confcience may not have peace and quietnefs ? If fo, how may that peace and quietnefs be difcerned frown true peace of Confcience ? (where alto the 5th kuef ion is fomewhat at leaft indire&l y touched on.) .4nfWer, A Confcience may be pleafed while it is erring and in a wrong courfe, but it cannot have true peace. Even as we may pleafe our brother when we flatter him in his fin, and pleafe him not to his edification ; fo a man may have, not only quiet- nefs, but a fort of delight and fainnefs in an erring Con - fcience, but no true peace, becaufe it wanteth the Word of God for its ground : Even,as an hardned Confcience may have quietnefs and yet want true folid peace ; as when Confcience is miffaken or in an error, and agreeth well with the miffake or error, it will be well pleafed ; fo, when it is humoured and applauded, it is well pleafed» and will make the man think that he doth God good fer- vice, while in the mean time he is doing nothing lets; yea, it will have a fort of delight and fainnefs flowing from the delufion of its light, and will make the poor man to be well pleafed and fatisfied when he gets that which he is feeking, to fucceed and go with him. But, how shall it be difcerned ? . infwer 1. It is fufpiciouv- E