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66 Sermon 2. like when the Confcience is over well pleafed, and when Confcience and mens humours are both pleafed together, and when corruption Both not fide and rake part againft it, this (I fay) is a fhrewd evidence that Confcience is er- ring.: Por, when a man is going aright about his duty, cor- . ruption will be againft him ; but, when all is filent, it is no good token. When Paul is a- delighting himfelf in the law of God, there is a law in his members rebelling g- gainfl the law of his mind, and leading him captive to the law of fin in his members. 2. It may be known by this, when Confcience bath more contentment and peace, and greater delight and fainnefs in fuch or fuch a particular fuppofed duty, than in all other duties; as for inlfance, when a man thinketh nothing of, but undervalueth, infant - baptif n, and mull needs be baptized over again ; and when he is rebaptized, he path more fatisfatrtion, and (as he thinks) more comfort in that duty and ordinance, than in all other Andes he goeth about, (though his re- baptizing be indeed no duty called for from him) that is an evidence of an erring Cenfcience : For, if it were the peace, comfort and fatisfaéiìon of a well- informed Con - fcience, he would have. comfort, if not alike comfort in all duties and ordinances : éo, when force men have more delight in making others to become Antinomians, or Sepa- ratr /is, or Quakers (they being of fuch a judgment, per - fwafion and fed themfelves) than in gaining men from Popery to be Protefiants, or it may be from being merely natural men to be in good earneft exercifed to godliness ; and, like the Pharifees, will compafs fea and land for that end, not to make them children It would be adverted of God, but to profelyte them bere, at what time the to their own feet ; that is a author preached thefe shrewd token that 'tis mens par - fermons, left fever al of ticular intereft and humour that, bis in fiances /hould not fwayeth them more than Gonfci- feem fo pertinent ; it ence doth ; or, if Confcience have was when temptations to influence here, it is an erroneous thefe things were firong. and rniftaken one. 3. It may be known by a man's more com- mon and ordinary frame and way ; it is hard to fay, that Confcience putteth a man to fuch or fuch a thing, and to change