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e 'a e greffions that flow from thence, wt bear, alas ? a great deal more of the image of the devil, and of the brute, than we do of the image of God. The re- introduftion, reflauration, and renovation of the prifline beautiful conformity to the glorious image of God (with their re- conciliation and juflification through his fatisfa&ion to divine juflice) in force of the univerfally lapfed and loft oflerity of Adam, even all the ele& and gifted ones to the Mediator, to be redeemed, fan &hied and Paved by him, in order to the capacitating of them to enjoy fel- lowíhip with God, (forfeited by the fall) and that by a new creation (the very fplendor and glory of the whole creation) was the great errand and bufinefs for which Chrift Jefus came into the world ; who, being the head and foundatión -flone of this new creation, hath gracioufly undertaken to prepare, fantify and glo= rify his myflical body, or all the eleft given to him by Jehovah: Which he accordingly effe&eth and bring- eth to pats, by regenerating them, by fan&ifying them, and by carrying on this work of fan4iñcation in the growth and gradual advances thereof, till it be perfeEted and confummared in glory : Whereby the image of God in men is again renewed, and reflored both in their fouls and bodies refpe&ively, in a good meafure now in this life, and fhall be perfectly in the life to come : Where, as they fhall all fee him as he is, intuitively face to face, and enjoy him fully and immediately, without any the leafs moment's interruption through all eternity; fo they fhall be like him, perfec`ly like him, according to crea- ture-capacity ; refembling him to the very Life. All the faculties and powers of their fouls partake of this re- newing work ; The undemanding being favingly eíalight-- hcd The will re&ified ; The affetlions reduced into or- der ; The memory ffrengthned, and the confcience much cleanfed' calmed, and put into a capacity, as to accule and condemn, fo to excufe, allow and abfolve; acts there II{s juft ground for either ; and they put to make it their great'bufinefs, about which they allow themfelves to be exercifed, always to have it void of offence toward God aad iNyard men : Which confcience, with the concerns thereof, being the great theme and fubjet of thefe choice, fearch.., ins;