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aka Acts 24. x6. 8;.. doped ; we Mall forbear to fay any thing further at this time. God biefs what ye have heard,through Jefus Chrift. SERMON W. As z4. x6. Herein do I exercife myfe f, to have always a Confcience void of offence toward Gods and toward men. ikGood Confcience is an excellent and very fovereign cordial to be carried about and along with us in all conditions, and more efpecially in afllifted ones ; but, as excellent things are ufually come at with the greateft difficulty, fo is it in this matter, there being fo many, fey various, and fo great difficulties in the way of taking up the nature of #t °aright, and in the attaining and main- tamping of it ; and there being fo very many who claini to it molt unwarrantably and unjuffly, tho', poor deluded fouls, they are difpofed to think that they do fo on goo3 and warrantable grounds; all which make this do&trine concerning the exercife and praaice of a good Confci- ence to be exceeding difficult and tickle. Ye may remember, the point we (poke a little to laft day was, That believers ought, and, when they are right will have it for their exercife and (Judy to have a Confcience void of offence toward God, and toward men : Whence we drew this Ufe, 4 That it is an evidence of a found be- liever, when right and in a good frame, even to be thus exercifed.' A tender, lively and good frame of foul may be known by this, that the perfon aimeth fingly, and endeavoureth ferioufly, to have a Confcience void of offence. In clearing of this ufe,there are fame doubts that arife on the one fade, when Confcience fpeaketh good to a per- fon without a warrant, in which cafe it is very dangerous to take dire &ion from it ; and force doubts arife alfb on the other fide, when Confcience doth challenge and con 1 I ' .,1 den,