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on .refs 24.. z6. 89 with tongues, &c. who yet were not found at the heart. It is on this ground that Chrift goeth, when he faith, Luke 13. 27. and Matth. 7. 22, 23. Many (hall come to me in that day, laying, Lord, we have prophefied in thy name, and in thy name have caft out devils, and done many wonderful works ; All which are (as I juft now laid) but common gifts, tho' fome of them at iea(t extraor- dinary ; and when men come to have any meafure of thefe beyond others, they will not be beat from it, but will go to death with it, that all is right with them. The 3d Rife is, from Tome fuppofed fpiritual lenfe and comfort, and from Ionic flafhes of joy : Thefe temporary believers, fpoke of, 'Width. 13. and Heb. 6. 4, 5. attain- ed to force rafting of the good word of God, and of the powers of the world to come ; fuch as once come this length, do what they will, and live as they will, have it (as it were) always founding in their ears, nor fuller they it to go out of their heads, thatfuch and fuch a day they met with God, and that he fpoke peace to them, and therefore they are perfwaded that matters are right betwixt him and them; and yet all this while they may be unfound at the heart. The 4th Rife is, from folks habituating themfelves to fpeak good to themfelves, and from maintaining their prefumption, and dulling and deadning their own Confcience ; whereupon, in God's righteous judgment, Confeience becometh a plague to them, fo that they will difpute and debate with and again(t any minifter, neighbour, or friend, that would convince them of the evil and danger of their Rate and condition ; and the heart, being by them thus deceiv- ed, fpeaketh and pleadeth for them, and deceiveth them back again: They are honeft folks, and were never heard with their neighbours; none have any thing amifs to fay of them, and their own Confcience juftifieth them, and what thould more? Thus, having put out their light, and blinded their own eyes, they have conftrained, and fonieway nece{lìtated their Confcience to cheat, deceive and beguile them : Such as thefe are fpoken of, Ifa. 44. 2o. He feedeth on apes :A deceived heart bath turned him a- lide,that be cannot deliver his foul,nor fay, Is there not a lie i my right hand? The heart is ordinarily taken (as was hind ed