Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

-;;;`.__.. THE MYSTERY OF Selfe-Deceivin g OR, A DISCOVRSE and Difcovery of the Deceitfulne le of MANS HEART. 'Written by the late faithfull Minitier of Gods Word,D A N I E L DYKE, Batchelor inDIviNITIE. Publifhed í'ïnce his death, by bis Brother I. D. Minifï:er of Gods W o R D. And now by him augmented and enlarged, and there- unto two exquifite TABLES added, enlightening much the whole TREATISE. JEREM.27.9. The Heart is deceitfull above all things who can know it? P SAL. 19, I z. Who knoweth the errours of his life ? Lord cleanfe me from my fecret faults. LONDON. Printed by Richard Bifhop, 16 4 2.

TO THE RIGHT H-O OVRABLE A MOST VERTVOVS LADY, the Lady L u c Yt Couute [ë ofBED1O it. D. Right Honourable, T was an ancient conflitution in Iliac), that a Brother dying without iflìte, the next brother fhould doe.the office of a Kinfman,' and raife up feed to his bro- therdeceafed,to continue his'name,:hat it might not be put out of lfrael. The Lord having not long fnce taken out of his Vineyard a faithfull labourer, and from my felfe a loving and dear Brother,I thought that in Tome manner the equity ofthisconflitution,now antiquated and abolifhed, did lay hold upon me. And that being the next brother , I was to doe the office ofa brother, to continue, and eter- nize his bleffed memoriall in Gods Church, by bringing to light this prefent Treadle. Flee himfelfe, while(+ hee Ii m ved,wrote it, and had perfec`ìed it before his death : I have but onely railed it out of his private fludy to the publike ufe ofGods Church. Thechildren,faíd E zekiah, are come I a to the birth , and there is no ßrength to bring forth. 'i'h us it fared with this Author. Hee had finifhed and perfeded this work, and brought it even to the birth, but there was no time tobring it forth.God preventing hi,- eakt A 3 P 7 ?.

THE EPISTLE de&th, bringing him to the end ofhis faith, (his tranflati. on into the Heavens) before he came to bring thiswork to the end of his delire, ( the publication thereof to the bene- fit of Gods Church:) I thought it great pitty,that fo hope- ¡ full an iífue ( hould periíh for want of a little help in the birth. And I thought with all in cafe of my negligence, or Deut. zs. g. refufall of this brotherly office, how jufily I might have de- frued the ignominious ceremony of the fpitt le in niy face. zac`'arias cum Hereupon I willingly performed this taske, ofperufing and !n:7rsl non feta- Ilettingforth ofthis Treatife. Zachary when he could not fpeak, he wrote : So 1 defired that his pen might make tome a fit . I of the want of his tongue; that as .Abel 6 his faith fo Hcb.o.4. PP Y he by his works, being deadmight yet [jeak. y Thus in briefe hath your Ladifhip, the reafon of my pre - lent endevours. For me to fay any thing in commendation of this work, is not happily fo fitting :It being both hard for one brother to commend another without boafling, and the younger and inferiour his commendation adding littlecredit or grace Heb; ,7. to the work of his elder and fuperiour. For, as the leffe is bleffed, fo all() prayfed of the greater: I meane therefore herein to bee fearing. Ouely this; I will but as the wid- dowes, which Chewed Peter the coates and garments which Dorcas made, while fhewas with them. So onely will I Phew, and fa forth force part of his labours which bee per- formed whilefi hee was with us : e./Ind let his own works Pro. 3z, 3r; praife him inthe gate. And furely this work will doe it , if either Matter, or Manner, Argument or Art will doe ir. Thematter and argument ofit, is fuch as yet handled at Ei-ttbri titubrs large by none before him that I know of. e(i ingenrás cu And betides it is excellent by reafon ofthedaily tale which biaam :Met -- occurres in racife. So that of the title and argument of bræ ad legen- p uumfcráprus; this Book may I fay, as Gellins fpeakes ofa good title quippe de pro. which Mehfns had given to a book of leis own which práerate laguen it Teemed fcarce deferved it : That the very Title hada great dá.Aul del. N..09- A.rir alluring and enti to force to draw men to the reading of the Argument of this work, of fuch fpeciall ufe

DEDICATORIE. ufe in ourpra6life, that it may ea_fily perfwade any, both to read,and like it,It containes the right fi4)1i' MOM', the art of 'knowing a mans felfe; it difcovers unto us the infinitely in- tricate windings, and turnings of the dark Labyrinths of mans heart.Indeed oftentimes the difcoveries ofcoufenages, and deceits in the world, make many, before honeftly ig- norant, to turne coufeners and deceivers : But here needs no fuch feare, for here we are taught no new deceit or cou- fening tricks , which yet wee pracuife not, but rather are convinced ofthat coufenage , with which wee deceive our own foules , and yet will not bee born down to be guilty of itnpofture.This point is worthyour beff wics,and know- ledge. That Heathen Philofopher never thought himfelfe to begin to know Philofophy, till he began to know him- felfe : But furely we never begin to know Divinitie or Re- ligion , till we come to know our (elves : our felves we can- not know, till we know our hearts. l but our hearts are de- ceitful] above all things; who can know them ? They who with diligence (hall perufe this prefent Treatife , (hall with Gods blefling be able in force good meafure to know them. Here fhall they find that dangerous Artof S'elfe- Sophrifly difplaycd, by which, millions of foules are inwrappcd in the fnares of Sathan : And fo by feeing their felfe.decdt fhall come totheirfelfe- knowledge. A knowledge never more negleaed. Vt nemo in fife tent& defcendere, nemo. Men care not for knowing themfelves, who are oftentimes too too curioufly greedy of knowing all things elfe; Being herein like tofoolifh travellers, that love to travell into and talk ofother f+range countreys, ((rangers in the meane time, in the rarities , fecrets and wonders of their own. As for the Art, and manner of handling this argument in this Treatife , I leave it to the Readers judgement, adventuring notwithftanding my felfe to fay thus much, that had this Treatife but age and antiquity anfwerable to the fufficicn- cie, it (hould eafily finde anfwerable acceptance. Nothing prejudices Writers more than either mens knowledge of theirperfons , or their want of Antiquity. May not a man A 4 Ipeak

No`?:Attic. I .7. I03 . 8.9. THE EPISTLE fpeak of many of our new writers, as Cellist/ fake once of a good (peed; that Favorinw made? Nonne, faith he, fiid Anti/lhenes aut Diogenes dixift, digruan memoria vifum eft? If Diogenes or eAntirthenes had but fpoken that which Favorinus did , the fpeech had gone for halfe an Oracle : now happily the more refpecc}ieffe, bccaufe from Favorintu, that was inferiour it may be in nothing to Di- agenes,but in t }anding. How many worthy modern Wri- ters among(} us are negl: &ed, onely brcaufe moderne? Nonne f hac Augu Isnus, nut bryfo/lomus, 6.c. Had but ef?ugrofbine or ChryfFome, or fume ancient Father wrote them, how had they been admired , now neglkd}ed onely becaufe asBildad(peaks, they are but of yefferdayes? Moil mens judgment ofWriters is the fame that of wine, Led e S. 39,The ofd is better: And yet oftentimes the old is hard and tart, and nearer Vinegar than Wine, when the new is tweet and pleafant. How many works of forne of the Fa- thers, which have little worth die in them befm des antiqui- ty, and the crcd ¡tof an ancient Fathers name? how would wevilifiethof fame things in new, which we fo magnifie in old Writers ? I fpeak it not to derogate ought from the worth ofthofe ancient Worthies and reverend ',ages (I give them all due reverence and refped}) but onely to meet with that fond humour, which meafures worth onely by 'age , as if nothing could bec good, but that which is old ; and i from ä mean conceit of writers,perfons known , are rea- dy to prejudge their works unread and unknown. But as for your Ladithip; I perfwade my felfe, that your knowledge ofthe Authors perfon , parts, and endowments wherewithal] God had graced him, will bee the greater meanes to winyour, Honourable acceptance of this work, And fo much the rather doe I prefurne upon your Ladithips favour herein,becaufe whin} this Author lived (out ofa love to his graces, and honourabledifpotition) he intended this Work to have been honoured by the patronage of your worthy and right noble Brother , who now aIo together with this Author, is at ref}, tinging heavenly Hal- lelujahs

DEDICATORIE. lelssjahs in the pretence of the Lambe. Pardon me good Madam,if I renew your griefe with the mention & remembrance offogreat a loffe.Give us leave to teflifie our fellow feeling ofyour forrows.Publike loges ma y not pa ffe without publike heavinefs.It is a lois that ycelds us argument both ofgreat griefe and as great feare. Can it be a finali grief to fee our (elves deprived of the ufe & benefit of fo many rare vertues & honorable inclinations,offo great lear- ning,in fo few yeers,offo great grace,holines,and religion in fo yang yeers,as were tweedy met & combinad In him ? His rate endowments,his noble difpofition,his religious conver- fation,his hopefull fervice toGods Church & thiskingdom, . confidered,I may fay of the Church & Common-weaith,as Val lib. (pike ofCornelia,in the Joffe of her loving Huf- ban d : Correliam nef io an fceliciorem dixerim gssod talem vi_ rum ha6sterit , an miferiorem quad amiferit : It is hard to fay whether we were happier in the enjoyinene,oe unhapier in the loffe of fuck a perfonage. And as in his lofle there is great caul ofgrief, fo no kite of fear. We may grive that fo Pral,g,r. great good is taken from us,we may feare, becaufefamegreat evil is con ming upon us :The righteous perifheth, and no man confidereth that he is taken away from the evil that is to come. Surely,when good men,efpecially being great men, &, yon; men too,are taken away,it is a feareful prefage of much an- ger,and evil! to come,The Lord make us all wife to confider the deaths offuch men,that the feares ofeviil to come, may make us leek to avoyd evi,11 prefent, and make us prudent in the fore-fiightoftheplagues ,to hide our felves.Butyet in the midi} ofthis grief&fear,your Lad ifhipis not left altogether comforcles.As it is a comfort that God' honored your family with filch an one,fo is this alto none ofthe let+ ccîforts -to you that you mourn not alone,but have the harts ofallgood men heavy with y ours.It makes our joy thegreater,tohaveothers rejoyce with us when we rejoyce : but it makes our forrew Z `a-'p 3.33 the leffe,whc we haveothcrs to weep withus when we weep. did Abner,faid `David,dieasa fool ? fo ofhim it may be laid; Did he die as an immeriting,as an ignobleperfon ? without tears?

rp.:13. THE EPISTLE tears? without lamentation? I think I may boldly fpeak it, that never any of his place, and of his yeers,left more heavie hearts behinde him than he had done. Thefe aremiferable i griefes indeed, when others finde matter of joy in the mat- ter of our griefe, and laugh at our teares ; but then may we grieve comfortably, when we fee others joyne with us, and take to heart our lofires, as well as our felves. I would willingly both enlarge his commendation, and our griefe, but thefe require rather a volumne than an Epi -,. Elie. And I may fpeak of him, as cilugujineof another, Ilia quidem anima infocietate fidelitem& caftarum recepta, laudes ncc carat necquarit humanas, imitationem tantum quarit: He delires more the imitation than commendation of his ver- tues ; and the imitation rather of his life, then a lamenta- tion for his death. Yet may I not altogether paffe over in filence his holy and religious courfe ; which was, to keep a Catalogue or diary of his fins againft God : and every night, or the next morning , to review the faults of the day pall : Every Sabboth morning, or night before, to review the faults of the whole week : and at the end of every moneth or fervey the whole months tranfgreffion. This did he daily, weekly, and monthly, thereby the better to humble himfelfe for his fins,and renew his praetife of repentance. And the day be- fore the receiving of the holy Sacrament, did alwayes ufe to 1 humble himfelf before the Lord with failing,prayer,&con- 1 feflìon , thereby the better to prepare himfelfe for the more worthy & comfortable receiving of the holy Communion. I fay nothing of his religious observation of the Sabbath by himfelfe alone, and with his people about him, both be- fore and after thepublike Exercifes, in meditation, reading, prayer,and repetition s.His carefullexpenfe of time,his kee- ping offethouresofLindy. Thus did he with good Jofiah, j while hee was yet a child, Peek, the Lord : By meanes of which his holy and confi ant courfe in feeking the Lord, in few yeeres he became wifer than his ancients and teachers, and preserved his young yeeres in great honour and reputa- tion,

DEDICATOIZIE. Lion, free from all the blemifhes and Haines ofyouth , nòt. withfcanding the manifold occafions to the contrary in re. Bard of his place and condition. Thetruth is, the world w s not worthy of him : His vertues and his graces were fitter for heaven, than this impure earth. Let us now that are behinde, turn ourgriefeinto care ; let our care be to follow thofe holy Reps he hath trod before us. True it is you can never recover his perfon, his graces you may : The griefe will bee the lefïe for the loffe of his perfon , if you snake a recovery of his graces. While(} his fpirit is doubled upon your Honour,and his graces fhall fur - vive in your religious imitation, fo long We fhall count him living in your (elfe. And now right Honourable, I intreat you by the love that you bare to this Author, and by the love that you bare to his honourable Patrons, your deceafed Father and Bro. ther (both now glorified Saints) totell:ifie your love to this Author by your honourable and favourable acceptance of this work. May your Ladifhip but pleafe to vouchfafe the reading, and diligent perufall thereof, and I dare prefume upon as much. Thus as I have railed this to light, fo I commend it to yourHonours patronage and protc6tion : and your Honour to the patronage and prote6ion of the Lord fefut. May C. Epping in erex. Tour Honours in all fervice, JER. DYKE.

i'I THE CONTENTS of this Boor. I. He Preface,whereinthe 7ext,ler t7.isopene. pa g.1, T I I. D o ltrin e of the hearts deceit fa; lne f fe : where , Si The kinds of this deceitfalnef c. 2 Tnc 1líaiftratiens. The kinds are two, 1 .That whereby we deceive others orely.And it 2 . 1 To be done, of zn doing. p.12 I Of evil/. 2 From brim d%ne. p.17 1 Dimulation. 3 Already done. p.2o 2 Of good. p.25 2.Simulation, p.28 2. Selfc- deceït, s, I In the minds and Affe.Ilion. 2 ¡n the Ara-bons alone. The former is foure-fold. In jztdging o f otsr 3 I Perfons. 2 CARE ions. ()four Perfons. i. That rwe are note bad as wee are. P.38 e4ed that in regard of Prefcnt. P.39 Time Pafr. p,42. To come. P4 3 z That wehave that good and that happine ff ê which wee have not at a/1.Where fostre deceit:. tch Worldling. p.51 2 C vi/IIajrficiarte. p, 5 $ Loofe Libertines: p 5 a 4 Temporary Beleevers : Whofe Deceits are three. 1 Touching

The Contents. I i.Tostching lots faith, C parts 5 Knowledge. p.69 both the . of it-t AIpplicatox. P.70 Signes,his ioyes andfeeling.p.77 Inward, 5Sorrow. p, 89 ' Detire, p.96 2.'Repentance.é verbal!, Confe on. . p,for Ioutwards Prayer. p.to4 Reall, < Reformation, p.107 "Mite. p. io8 3. Obedience ,?Paf ve. p.117 3. That thegood we have is greater than it is; p.122 Of our dttions, where two_ fold lodgement. I . For the rules goounr- aEî ions. p. t 25 t. OfDireîliox.2.Zz.Forthea }íionathemfelves. p4 126 ) 2. Cenfure ofievilld ilflioxs. Good 51 Condemning of them. ; p.130 2 Overprizing them. iliac!. Evil/. 1 I4i fyingthem. ibid, 2 Excnfing them. P.132 bÿ r 1, Corruption o f nat/ore. 2. Examples of the godly. 3. Ignorance. q,. Tranflation upon others : as I i.The fie j .. I 2. The times. 3.Our callings. 4,Condition o f life. f Outward occafion. 6. `Devil!, 7. Conßellations, 8. God. 9.Our brethren. p3 1. Importunity of perfwalions. 7. Commandement or example. ;. provocations, 4. Difcouragementr, P 134 P. 135 p,136 P 139 P144 P147 p.148 P15o p.151 p.152 p.152 their P 154 P155 157 P.159

+ The Contents. S CN%fome. Subtil J.iflinEltons, II, Iss perfwadsng (To the cor.miraion of evill,where 14 dece_its. ri The painting of fnne with vertucr col^ sir t. p,I 69 2 By craving to bring us to mach. p 175 3 Zeltlang our hearts with the meere p 'eafure offinne. p.i87 p. 4 Prefumingupon Gods mercy. P.189 5 Pleading the necef ity ofliving. p.190 < 6 fl pretence we will doe st oriely for tryall fa&e p t 92 7 A prefuming upon that good we have. p.J93 18 An hope to make amends afterwards. p,197 9 A pretence of fomegood to en tse. p.200 t 0/in urging of our purpofe fl it to continuegod y p,2o 3 it By baying humane Lawes on our fides. I. 205 i z Our moderation infnning, 13 Lyre Ling the Scriptures to befor us. p, Li4 Eluding theScriptures againfl us. p.21 I LTo the omifon ofgood : where levels deceits. .11 The blacking of venire with the foot offin. p,213 2 From a little to bring us to nothing V. 214 3 7o fever the pleafure of godlineffe from the trouble. < p.216 4 Remembrance of that already done. p.230 5 Comparing our felves with our inferiours. p.232 6 Pretence ofavoiding evil!. ibtd, L7 Invention offalfe real-ens. p.233 which are, I From not doingevil. p.236 2 From a purpoje to doe it hereafter. p.237 3 From extraordinaryoccafons p231 4 From Gods `Predeffination. p. 23 3 5 From the difficulty ofgedlinee, p.234 Il1.ln

The Contents, III. In promiling, rro our felves. rl Pleasure in fanne. p.236 2 Enjoyment o foutward things. p.239 3 Happineffe inerpyment. p.240 4 Freedome from jsdgement , 'and hope ` of heaven in fanne, p,242 5 Se:led continuance in profperitie. p.244 6 Succeffe upon insufficient grounds,ibid. 2 To God, du. i Particular,s = Simply. P. 245 i ties in I2 Vpon condition. f . 47 2 General!, of Repo, wee. p.248 IIHI. In praáifang; here deceit in twelve points. r1 The uncertainty c facklenes of the heart ingood p.256 2 The flipperine f fe in the very 411 of performarce e fgood p.259 3 Secret foijling in of corruption into good allions.p.26o I4. Leaping from one extreame to another. p.265 S Sliding from the wane to an extreame. p.269 4 6 Incroaching in the life of things lawful!. p.27 t 7 To juflle out a greater good by a le f fe. p.274 8 Togrow fecure after fucce fre in goods p,275 9 The fleshes perverte incitation of the spirit. p.276 ioTreachery in temptation. p.277 ii By minding of future good to neglal prefent. p.278 `i z Perking of the handmaid above the miffre f fe. ibid.. 1 In the a f fellions alone. i In their variableneffe. 15.28o i In generali ralll 2 In corrupting the underflandin . p.29 i r I Love. p. 28¢ 3 IN *dal 3 2 bop anger. p.290 4 Sorrow p.29i 5 Defare. p.294 6Confdence. p.298 The illuftratienofthe hearts deceitfulneffe. 1 .By

The Contents. I By thegre.ttnef'e of it. P.1199 2 By the caufe,the wickedne ffe of the heart. p.301 3 By the unfearchablenefe of it. p.2I I i Meares of difco'veryo Where two things.22 Marks for tryall of our hearts, c feanes are(even. r1 7(4velation of the word. p.316 2 Affli¿}ion. P. 317 3 Profperitr. p.320 < 4 In- equality of carriage. 15 Removeall of our chiefeft helps in godli,:effe. p:--3-27 6 Fitneffeofoccafsonsto provoke corruption. p.329 L- Our e ffe¿iionr. P.330 Marks to try the fincerity of heart are 5. I Humility. P. 332 2 7`hegood and honed heart.. p.335 The plaine and open heart, P.340 4 Greatefi ['event), againf our own Jinxes. P. 34.1 5 Fejoycing, and grieving, for the graces and dinner of others as well as our owne p.34-3 III. The generall life of the whole doctrine of the hearts deceitfulneffe, 1 For watchfulneffe. P.345 2 For binding ourdelves by covenant to the Lord. p.359 3 For wijdome to apprehend ah good opportunities, p.352 4 For fraight examination of our hearts p. 355 5 For exhortation to fincerity where. I Mottvessentojincerity,zI, p.357 2 Lilfear.es, 4.., . p.38° flu. The anJwer which Es made, Ier. 1 .1c).toan obje ¿fion, arifìng from the do¿irine of the heartsdeceitfulnes, where is handled: S1 Gods knowledge of our hearts. j works 2 Gods rewarding of our the: end of the firmer. knowledge. ibidg6 . The end of the Contents.

% r.l. C`[J ...1.. .L , r'`í` `F'"V V , G_ ` `''i'`' `4 THE DECEITFU1NES OF MANS HEART. JEREM. 7. 9,10. The heart is deceitfull above all things, and evil!, who can know it ? i the Lord fearch the heart, and try the reines, that I may give to every one according to his wayes, according to the works. - CIIIAP. I. The Text opened ; A Preparation to the 7reatife following, fhewingthe origindll of the Hearts deceitfulnefe, the dif- ficulty, and yet the meanes of knowing it. He Prophet having grievoufly me- naced the Jewes in the beginning of this Chapter, becaufe he raw how much they bore themfelves out againft there threatnings, up- _ on hope of the "Egyptian his help ; therefore in the fifth verle he curfeth all fuch as re- lie ùpon man, and make flefh their arme : contrarily, blefling filch as in their dangers fhroud and íhelter themfelves under the wing of the Almighty. B But P;a1m.3.4.

The deceilfnlneffe of mans heart. But here the Jewes having made a covenant mith hell and death, would be ready ro objeet againft the Prophet ; What then is all this threatning to us ? We are none of thole that withdraw their hearts from God. Vfe of meanes loth r of prejudice truft in God : Truft in God, ask cannot Rand with trufi in meanes ; fo neither without nfe of meanes whtin they maybe had. We repofe our felvcs on God, as much as thy (elfe or any elle :.nd we repaire ro the fecond caules,only as ferviceable,and fuhordi- nate to the firft.Therfore as the fiarrorvby trandri rr, and the fwa 'orr byjing, efcape, fo this thy cau,.'f ffe curfe'hall not come : neither are we fuch children to be skarred with bugs words. The Prophet therefore in this verfe preventeth this objection, and keepeth them from this ftatting- hole,faying,The heart as deceitful;as jibe Mould fay, Flatter not your (elves in a vaine conceic,that you withdraw not your heart from God, and fo God will not withdraw his from you. Nothing more eafie than fora man to deceive hím(elfe ; for the heart by reafon of the great wickednefl'e thereof,ís a bottomlef e and unfearchable gul fe of guile : in- fomuch as none can know, not onely anothers, but not his owne heart. The Lord onely bath prefer - ved this as a prerogative royal] to himlelfe, exactly to know the depth of our hearts ; that fò, though men conceiving well of themfelves, may conceive amiffe of God, as one that by his doings will not juftifie the Prophets fayings ; yet bee judging of men according to the fecret difpofition aad confti- tution of their hearts may deale with them accor- dingly,

The deceitfulne of malt/ heart. dingly,bleflìng chofe that in truth doe trufi in him, but curling fuch as withdraw from him, though not their tongues, yet their hearts. This is the order and generali purpofe of the words. They contaiue in them a propofition concerning the hearts deceitfulnefte. Here, two things are to be confidered : what is meant by heart ; what by deceitfu. By heart, mans heart is meant, as appeareth by the context. And now becaufe mans heart is one of the principa ?1 feats of the foule of man,rherefore by a Metanymie of the fubjea, it is ufually in the Scrip- ture put fometimes for the whole foule,fometimes (and that more frequently) for fuch fpeciall facul- ties in the foule, as more fpecially belong to the heart, as the Will and Affetions. But here it is ro be taken for the w hole foule and all the parts there- of, the Underftanding,the Will,the Affetions:for all are deceitful]. The word deceitful) is fignificant in the Hebrew, commingof a Verbe which fignifieth to fupplant, as runnersin the race ufe to do; and from this word had lacob his name , becaufe he caught Efau by the heele,when he was comming forth of the wombe : So doe our hearts cunningly as it were trip our heele, when we are to runne the race which is let before us. Though here allo that reafon of the name which Efau falfly gave to Iacob, may truly agree to our hearts well may they be called Iambs, becaufe they cozen many,and doe their endeavour to cozen all of Gods bleffing, and the heavenly in- heritance. But it may be asked, Is this deceitful- B 2 neffe Refolution and fenfc. GnacoL. Gcn: 7.36.

4 The deceitfidnefe of mans heart. neffe given to all men indifferently, or onely to Come ? Anfzn. To all fave Chrifi,in whofè mouth (and: fo heart) waa found no guile. By nature,all our hearts are alike. And the change that grace makes in this life,is not fuch but that in feme fort,the heart of the be fl may fill be laid to be deceitfull. Chrifl indeed gave Nathaniel this praife, that there was no guile in his heart . and Davidfayes the like of every jufti. fled man : but this is true onely of the fßirit, of the new oryoung man that is created by God in the re- generate, and not of the flefb,that oldmdn ; an old fox indeed, that by reafon of his age is often too hard for the young man : for youth is but Pimple in regard of old age Howbeit, as young men grow fill to further perfthion, and are on the increafing hand, whereas old men decreafe , till at length age brings dotage ; fo here the craft of this oldman is daily weakned, the rather for thofe many wounds which the ftronger young mans arme gives him in the braine, whereas the, ,:irituaff wifdome of the young man increafeth daily.. Thus then m a interpret thefe words of the Prophet, The heart of Haan is deceitf id, even the whole heart of the wicked, be- caute it is wholly flef ; and-parr of the heart of the godly, namely, the unregenerate and flefhy part. The heart of the wicked is deceitfull with a full, írong, and raigning deceitfulneffe; the deceitful- neffe that is in the heart of the godly,is weaker, as being difcerned of them, and Proven againf by them. The heart of the wicked Chews its deceitful- nefhe in the whole courfe oft heir lives.The godly-on- ly in fore part icssler a aions. As is fail of David, he Wa5

The deceitfultteffi of wan heart. ryas upright in all things, five nne> in the matter o Vriah.The generali current of his life was free from deceitfulneffe, though not the particular aûion. Contrarily,the heart of the wicked may be upright in form particular anions, as Abirelechs in the ta- king of Sarah ;I know (faith God)thou hafì done this Gen.zo.d. in the uprightneffe of thy heart : yet not in the maine of their lives.This is proper only to the godly,that they are upright in their may, that is the conftant te- prf,I,g.z. nor of their converfation. Now this deceitfulneffe here given tw the heart, is Pet forth ; Firft, by the greatne/ of it; above allthings. Secondly, by the caufeof it , and evill. Thirdly, by the unfearchable- nefe of it, fuck that none can know it;figured with an interrogation, who can know it ? that is, none of himfelfe,by his owne mother wit,without an high- er and clearer light. To begin firft with the deceitfittneg of the heart, The'origina'1 and then to come to the illuftrations of it after- of the hearts ward ; It may be asked, for the better underhand - deccicfu;ate#fe. iag thereof : How comes this deceitfulneffe into the heart ? Is not the heart Gods creature ? and did he not make it limple, plaine and true ? Whence then this fraud ? Lord, thou fowedft in this field; of mans heart the good corne of faith, truth, fince -' rity : whence then thefe tares ? Salomon tels ug, Ecclef-7.31. God made man righteous : but they have fought out many inventions: For howfoever thefe in ventions and deceits (as Mo fesfheweth, Gen3.) were firft forged in the devilsbraine,and came out of his (hop ; yet becaufe they were fo readily apprehen- ded, and as it were bought up fo fah by our firer pa- B 3 rents,

The deeeitfulnef of mans heartó rents, therefore salmon afcribes them to man. So that howfoever here all() the queffion concerning thefe Taro., yea, Thiftks of treachery, and perfdi- oufneffe in our hearts,may Ge truly anfwered with that in the Gofpel:The ervion$ man hat h fawn them, yet with all it ma); juffly be faid,becaufe the ground did fo open her mouth for them, that the field it felfedid bring them forth. If at the flrff, when as this field was as the pleafant Eden of God ; how much more now, when having the faltas it were of Gods curie >fowne upon i-,'it is become as a barren wildernefhe ? If Adam and Eve might be charged as the flrff fathers and founders of thole deceitful) in- ventions fuggefted by Satan, becaufe of their rev- dy, how much more we, becaufe of our greedy ap- preehenfion of them, wherby we drinke them in as Iob,tf,IF: the RI) dot crater z If they for willing confenting to, how much more we, for wilful/ conking with the devil) ? So that whatfoever the Scriptures fhall tell us concerning the Tempters wiles, we may, fafely drawit hither, and apply it to our felves, partners and pra6tizers with Satan in his ffratagems againif our owne foules. The diflScu'ty We fee then the rocke whereout this deceit of finding out fulneffe was hewen : A pigge it is of our own Sowe; this deco tfut- a flower (weed rather) of our owne garden. It re- ncne, maineth, that more particularly we fhould fee what it is, wherein it confiffs and fhewes it felfe; a labour Purely full of difficulty. For as the woman of Samaria Paid of her Well to Chrift, The Well ss. Cohn 4. deepe,; and thon haft no pitcher the fame may we fay to our (elves of this pit, this puddle, this den, this dun-

The deceitfulnefe of mans heart. dungeon ; It is both very (lake and deepe : Who can fee it ? who can found it ? And alas, where are our buckets to empty it ? Who hath not caufe to complaine with Saint ff eaufe have I to be- rraile that darkneff ,in which that power that is with- in me, is hidfrom me ; fo that no joule asking it felfe concerning it orna ffrength;cannot fafelybeteeve it fell, becazife even that which indeedis into, k kept fecret from untied experience manifefi it.O ye manyblind e corners, the fecret turnings andwindings, the per- plex labyrinths, the close lurking-holes that are here ! who would think that within the compafi'e of fo fmall a piece of flesh there $could be roome enough to harbour fach fwarmes of vaine and vile thoughts, delires and affelions ; and that far more secretly from being espied by us, than the largest and vaftefi Cities can doe any fcouting naughty - pack ? Man is a great deep,whofe very hairs are rum- bred before theep Lord:Andyet eajfer it k to know the ntttnber of his haires,than of the motions acrd affelfi- ans of his heart,as excellently S. rdufiin. For, as in Hercules Monfier, hill fre[h heads, one fpringing up after the cutting offof the other : and as in Ezekiels Temple, after the fight of for ablaominatións, íií!1 moe : fo here in this fo infinite receptacle of de ceitfull thoughts, one deceit fecceeding and pref flog hard at the heeles of another. Many inventions íàidSalemon,fpeakingofthofeat the firs' in the heart onely of Adam and Eve : How then is the number (think we)increafed face, there being none, whole braise or breaft bath not cast in his Widowes Mite. I ae leaf}, into the common Treafury Z. 1f this fkhnk- i 13 4. ing 7 Confef, líb.ie; cap. s;. Sunt ißæ plangende tenebre, in psi- bus me tact fa- cultas mea que inmeef, uta- nimus meus de viribus (Isis ipse fi interrogsns mn facile tibi credendum ex- iflimet, quia er quod inc(i plerunque oc- cultum efl, nifs experienridma- nifefictur. Confef.lib. 4. cap.só. Grande profundum e(i homa,eu jus eti- am cpillos Yu Domine nume - ratos babe,- 51 tarnen capill' e- jus magis numi - rabiles fiant, quam aßettus ejus, & motus cordis. Eze::.8 6,13:

The meines to know the hearts deceit. Iudg.34.1 e. Mar.4.1i,22. intcrprescd. 3 Cor,34. The deeeitfelneffe of mans heart. ing river were fo great where it rîrft role, how then (thinke we) bath it inlarged it felfe, being runne thus farre ? No marvell then if the Propher, as it were amazed to fee fuch litterr, yea, legions of de ceitfull devils couching close in t his their [linking ftie,cry out,as here we Beare him,The heart is deceit - fuff above all things,who can know it ?So myfficall are these hearts of ours ; fo deep and abftrufe are her myfteries of deceit. Why then will Come fay, doe you trouble your felfe in vaine ? for if none can know this myftery of iniquity how then can you know is ? how can you make us know it ? I anfwer, though no man know it as of himfeife, yet,ItheLord know ;and if we plow with his heifer,we (hall know the darkeft riddles. There is a myftery of fins (ayes one) lying in the folds of our hearts, which we (hall never fee, unleffe the Spirit of God enter in, and give us light : For this fjiirit f archeth the deepe things of God, r Cor.2. much more can it fearch the deepneffe of Satan, and of mans deceit - full heart. If then we confult with the Lords Spirit, we may learne of him what thefe deceits be, fo farre forth as he hath revealed them in his Word; which is a light whereby we may fee in this , even more than ./Egyptian darkneJ. Therefore our sa. viourcounfeileth us to take the benefit of this light, and not to let it Eland under the bed; and that upon this ground, for there is nothing hid [name }y,in our hearrs,though never fo clofely;but fiall be opened, namely, by the power of the Word, molt plain- ly. And this Paul exemplifies in his Idiot,comming into tbeChurch affemblies,and in hearing the word opened.

The deceit, f ïalneJJè of maw heart. opened, king himfelfe and his owne heart opened, and the fecrets thereof difcovered.Counfell Tunder- (fand it of crafty counfell] is in the heart of man ; but a man of underfianding (underhand it fpecially of fpiricuall underftanding out of the Word) will fitch it out, faith salomon. Here the Holy Ghoft ma- keth the wifdome of the Word to be a bucket, able to bring up the filthy mire out of the deepeff pits of deceitful) hearts. And if the wife man have skill to let down this bucket into other mens heares,and draw it up full againe, much more then into his owne. Though then naturally we are all blinde, walking in the darke Cloyffers of our hearts, yet if the Lord goe before us with his torch; if he take us, as onceEz.echiel,intothis corrupt ternple(ffable ra- ther) and lead us along by his Word and Spirit, we (hall then clearly fee the feverall ranks and orders of the abominable dèceits therein : for in the word of God there are many wonders to be feen e,as Da- vid confe(l'eth in that his prayer, Open mine eyes, o Lord, that !say fee wonders out of thy Law. Among the which, this of our owne hearts unborvelled and anatomized, is not the leaf. Indeed, when our dead bodies are whole,we cannot fee what is with- in : They will caft forth an evill favour,and we may fee fome filthinefre and deformity in them, the which yet is but fweetneffe and beauty to that we fee, when the body is cut, opened, and er.trals taken out. Surely,the notes and eyes even of force Inaturali men, have difceined in mans heart unope- r,r<ed, unfavoury naffinefl'e, odious ugline(fe : But alas, all that,was not enough to humble them, nei- ther 9 P:al,tfy.

Io 7be deceitfislne(fe of 'Naas heart. Heb.4.z.t3. interprct=d. Pct. t.r9. incerpretedc Pral.t©7.23. PCal.to4.z6, tiler was it any thing to that they might have feene in the heart broke up by God,the only skilfull ana- tomizer thereofwho as he feeth all things therein, lying naked as in an Asato, y, as the Apofile fpeak- eth, Hebr. 4. i 3. fo alto he hash laid it open in his Word unto us;as in the verfe before the fameApo- ftle fheweth,The word ofGod is live y,/barper than the two -edged fiord, a difeerner of t he thoughts, and fe- cret intents of the heart, neit her is there any creature which is not r anifeftin its fght,namely,of the word before fpoken of : for fo 1 think, without any vio- lence offered to the words, may the Text be inter - preted:And the word[creature]1 take for the crea- ture of the heart, namely, the thoughts and intents thereof before mentioned : That the fenfe fhould be chis ; The Word difcerneth the thoughts of our heart; not fome,but all : Nothing is there,that the heart forgeth,frameth,and as irwere,createth with- in it felfe, which this Word taketh not notice of. But of this let the learned judge. Well then,fiace the Word is that light whichfhi- neth is this darIZneffe, having it with us,venter we to defcend down into this deepe dungeon, and to launch out into this vaft Ocean, having this plum- met to found the bottome thereof. They that go dowse into the deeps (faith the Prophet) they fie the works and wonders of the Iord : But they that goe downe into this deepe,are not now like to fee any thing, but the deepneffe of Satan, the works and wonders of the Devill, the Leviathan that fporteth himfelfe in thefe waters,or rather a Neptune trium- phing here as in his kingdom e.Which fight, though haply

The deceitfulne of mans heart. haply not fo pleafrng, yet prnfitable it will be, for to íhame and humble us : for here in the Word,are thofe clear waters,ïn which,if we trouble them not with the mud of our owne affe &ions, like the Ele- phant , we may clearly fee our owne deformity. Here is aglaee, wherein we may behold the faces of our hearts, and efpie even the fmalleft wrinkle of deceit whatfoever : And that not fo as our na- turall faces in common glaffes, where we forget as Toone as our eye is out of the glafle, what was the fafhion of our face ; but fo, that hill the fight feene fhall fticke by us, prefenting it Celle to the eye of our underftanding. When Tome cunning deceitful) thiefe hath ftollen ought from thee, thou runnel prefently to the cunning Wizard, a worfe thiefe, a worfe deceiver, to fee in his deceiveable glafle, I know not what phanfie,the thiefe it should be, t hat hath robbed thee. Loe, thy heart, the molt crafty and cozening thiefe that can be, bath robbed thee, and doth daily filch from thee thy richeft treafure And canit thou in thy little loffe run to the devils lying glalle, to finde out a little thiefe; and wilt) thou not in thy greater Joffe come to Clods true glafle to finde out the great thiefe ? If thou thin -' keft there 15410 fuck thiefe that fteales ought from thee, doe but come hither to this glaífe, and thou fhaIt fee him, and all the tricks and myfteries of his cony - catching trade. Come 1 fay, and fie hint wing of them. CHAP II Iarr.es r. 'ofn i.

iz The deceitfudaeffe of Nani heart. 0.14 CHAP. II. of the deceitfxlneff of the heart in regard of others. Aking then the anatomizing knife of the Word , and, ripping up the belly of this Moufter, I finde fuch an infinite number of the veins of deceitfulneffe,and thofe Co knotty,and intricately infolded together,that hard it is diftinC- ly and clearly to (hew them ally Nevertheleffe,God aflifting, we (hall doe our belt endeavour. I thinke therefore,that all the deceitfulneffe of the heart discovered to us in the Word, may be reduced to there two heads : Firft,the deceitfulneffe whereby we deceive others oncly ; Secondly, that whereby alto we deceive our felves. Í The former is not that which here the Prophet Co much aimeth at ; and therefore we will not fo much infift upon it. It fheweth it (elfe specially in two things; in Diinulatiov and simulation;in du- fembling and concealing that which indeed is, and in feigning and counterfeiting that which indeed is not.Diffizìsulatien is either of evill,or good The dif- fembling ofevill is threefold: Of evill to be done,or in doing: Secondly,from being done:Thirdly,already done. The hearts deceitfulneffe in hiding that evill which the purpofeth to doe or is in doing, is to make faire even of the quite contrary. And there- fore in her witty wickedneife, the inventeth Come colourable Deceit of heart twofold r. Deceiving othe's only. And it h two- fold. i Diffitnula. tion. I Of Erill. 1. To be done.

The deceitf neffe o, of macar heart. colourable pretence to fhadow her malice and mtf chiefe. When Herod intended 'norfhip to rnorry Chrift, he pretended yet religioufly fo n orfhip him. simeovand Levicloked their purpofed maffacre of the Sichemites, wirh the confcience of circumci- fion "ibfolom his Tr,eafon, with the Religion of his vow : loab his perfidioufneffe to Aber & Ama- fa with friendly words, and Syren -like educations: Tfaael his murtherous miede toward thofe eighty men, with his Crocodile tearer : Izidaa his covetouf= neffe, with a Phew of a liberal! and merciful! aff'e- &ion towards the poore : and the lerres their ervie againft Chrift, with their duty to aefar. Thinke ye that the Jewes cared for C afar ?No, none fo impa- tient of his yoke as they : But they had mucherou s hearts,thirfting for our Lords blood; that was the true caufe 5 and the caufe of their malicious heart, their evil! eye that could not endure the glorious brightneffe of his grace ; but if they fhould have alleaged that all the world would have cryed fhame on them : therefore to hide the odioufneffe of their fae, they fet on it thefaire maske of Ioyal- ty to Ctfar. Thus alwayes in the perfecutions of lofeph, his coat (hall be brought forth, as it was 'once by his envious Brethren that fold him ; by his whori(h, Miftreffe that flandered him. Some one fpecions and plaufible pretence or other (hall be deviled by the wicked, to fave their credit in the world. So like roaers in the boat, whileft in their pretence they look oneway,in their intents they go the creane contrary. This tricke of deceitfulneffe the heart bath learned of that arch- rnafterof de- ceits, 13 Ier.4r.5.. lofephs coat,. Gen.37,3a 84 39.2,6. A.. 7

14 Mark ,I.z4. Beza in hum locum. Iohn 7. Pfalm.sy. Prov.z95. t San/618.2'i. The deceitfulnefe of mans heart. ceits, the Devil : Who fometimes will needs be- come a Preacher of the truth,as when he faid,Thefr are the fervants of themoll high God 01...refucofNa- zaret, I & ow mho thou art, even the holy one e fGod : but yet he then plotteth mifchiefe, thinking by one truth, to convey and winde into our minds an hua. dred lies. Thus truth is maáe to-uther falfhood : for even in thole his fugred glozing yords,wherein he preacheth Chrift the Saviour ofthe world,íc is eafie to fpie out rrarre in his heart : for it is to be marked, how he calleth him Jefus of Nazaret , thereby to nourifh the error of the multitude, chat thought he was borne there,and fo not the Mejah, whole birch they all knew ought to be at Bethlem. Iefur then; and the holy one ofGod, are butter and oyle,as was of terward, Good mafter,thot, regardeft no mans perfon; but Iefus of Nazaret, that is a fro() rd, as was aft er- ward, Is it lauvfull togivetributecAnd fo that which Salomon fpeaketh of the flatterer,thac he ffreaieth a net before hip brother' feet, is true in thofe flattering fpeeches the devill fometimes giveth the truth : in- deed he doch but let a fnare to catch the truth in : As Saul,a good Schollerin his Schoole,did for Da: vid, in giving him Michhl to wife:I will give himher, faith he,that !he may be afnare unto him,andthat the hand of the Philifiims may be upon him. Here is a goodly fhow of 1peciall favour and good will, even fuch,as fisnple David was in a manner ravifhed with it, to thinke that his meanneff'e Mould be honoured with fo great a marriage : Buck is but a bait, cove- ring the hooke, honey - poyfon. Thefe of all other are the mofi. fecret deceits, which are thusmantled and

The deceitfulneffe of mans heart. and Masked with the dilguiled pretences offpeciall love and kindnefl'e. And therefore Salomon not ig- norant hereof, when he commends bounty and mu- nificence in a Prince, he affociates truth thereto. Bounty and truth ¿o = guar dth ?King, that is to fay, a true (not a treacherous) bounty : for there is a falfe and lying bounty, deceiving ihofe on whom it is bellowed : And as in the Proverbe, there are gift - le, gifts a filch as was that of Saul to David; Bread in one hand, a (tone in the other. Infinite were h to fpeake all that might be fpoken here : It is Co corn mon a pra&iCe in the world, yea, and it is counted rci fdome for men thus to voile their intents' with pre - tsnces.,their meaning with their words,that the truth may bethought falfr, and fal`hood true. When they meane to flrilfe the head with one hand, they will firftfiroke it with the other; or,as he fayes,with one hand roil they claw on the head,nith the other friaite on the cheekT he tale- bearer when he comes to let his brothersgood name at fale,how cunningly, how ar. tificially will he traduce ? meaning to bite hisbro ther,he will firft 4 ffc him.But well did salmon pre fer a friends wounds before filch kigs;for rhefe kifpes are Iodas kifl'es:They wound rortally,the other me dicinally,T herefore excellently doth Salomon cha- rter him, The words of the whi¡ierer (as Tremelius reads it) are like to the words of thof that are often knocked, but they gee down to the bowels ofthe belly. so deeply doe they pierce.When he begins firft to open his packe, he will fetch a deepe figh , pro - fefling, that becaufe of his great love to the party, he is very forry for him; and fo at length with a fat, countenance, I5 Max oscultio. res infidie, quis hae qux latent in fou_ latiene e/ficii aut in aliquo neceftudinis nomine. Tull. de am'e. Prov. uo. zS. explained. Ll:7guúd'wpu, Sapientia bu jus munch e(1, cor machinatieni- bus tegere, fen - (unt verbis ve- lare, gins f il jz fient vera alien- de, e, qua vera [ont (alfa de- monftrare.Gre. yo-sep it Vs 4vós sevd'pas 7 i Kuiu 75)P XÆ1 pain TOLTet 4- pot glua rap/., gui, ?Ñ d zraíot i%w Acetatc1V. G re. ad Eufebi Prov.8.8. cleared,

z6 The deceitfulnejfe of mani heart. Vehementerdo- leo, quia vehe- menter diligo. fltque fie cum meelto vultu oculis clemis, CUM qiradam tar ditate, & vocis plangitis, proceda mal e- dülioi3ernard. Luker8. Sed ne hoc grafi. dem profetlò fuff cit ei; non enim gratiarum apio eftaliú ex- probrae edelüia, fuper cos qui peccaverunt,ja- tlanter infor- gere. Eccle f e nomine armamini, & contra Eccief- am dimicatis. 'Las and Mo- numents,Vol.a in the begin- ning of Lu- thers tory, countenance,with eyes caft down e,with a Glow and lamenting voice, as though the offence of his bro- ther were to him as a blow with a cudgell out comes the flander : Loe, a cunning cranke of deep and devillifh deceitfulnes,fo to difguiCe murthering malire,that is (hall be taken even for motherly merc); to lament and cry,as if himfelfe were beaten,whilft he with the Ccourge of his viperous tongue unmer- cifully lafheth others. So allo under the colour of wale and hatred a- gainft fin,doe Tome cover their hatred againft mens perfons,in the bitter cenfuring of them : And o- thers under the colour of giving thanks unto God, hide their vaife ottentation of their owne vernies, as that Pharifee, that laid ; Lord, I than(e -thee, Iam not as this Publican. But as Chryfoflorne fayes, this would notferve his turne :far it is no thanfgiving to upbraid others faults, and boafiingly to infialt over thole that have clone ami7. But here we fhould doe the Church of Ronne injury to leave her our, who indeed carrieth away the bell from all others in this kinde of deceitful) painting and colouring : under the name of Chrifts Spoufe,playing the filthy Harlot ;under the title of the Church, fighting again ft the Church; under the colour of Religion, taking away the vigor of it, and in a word, making the fhesrofgodlineffe to be onely a cloa4e of tric&ednele. I would rather let out this in Matter Foxes words, than in mine owne, he bath fo lively and in the right colours defcribed, or rather deformed this Monfter, thus writing of her, `t As in dot tine, fo in order of life, and deepe hy- pocrifie

The deceitfielneff of man; keeled «pocrifie was fhe corrupted,doing all things under cc pretences& diffembled titles.Vnder the pretence " of peter. chaire, the exercifed a Majeftie above cC emperors &Kings:under the vifor of their vowed " chaftity,raigned adultery:under the cloak of pro - ccfeffed poverty,theypoffefled the goods ofthe tem- "poralty :underthe title of being dead to theworld, "they not only raigned in the world, but alto ruled `ache world:under the colour of the keys of heaven "to hang under their girdle,they brought all the e- "ftates of the world under their girdle,& crept,not `only into the purfes of men,but a lfo into their con. "fciences : they heard their confef ions,they knew "their fecrets,they difpenfed as they were difpofed, `Cand loofed what them lifted.And fo much for the firft deceitful! diflimulation of evill to be done. The fecond is, when the evil! which we are re-a.. dy to doe,is yet by a fubtill kinde of violence, kept in, fo that it comes not forth into the outward aft. Thus many there are,that politiquely,by a fmooth and dole carriage, fmother and prefl'eán many of their vices,which if they fh.ould break forth,might hinder them in their defignes or delires. An exam ple we have in Haman, who, though inwardly he levelled with malice against Mordecai, becaufe of his ftiffe knee,and (tout heart; yet, as the Scripture Cayes; he refrained hitnfeife ; he brake not forth into any diftemper of words, but craftily concealed and confined his anger within the bounds of his owne bofome, leaft otherwife the fucceffe of his bloody plot, already affented to by the King, might have beene kindred ; when as by this meanes, the grofle C abufe 17 Therecond, from being done. Eiter s.zo.

Maxima pars ham'mnum banc wrens habet : Quod fbi vo- fant , dam id impe. rant,boni 'fort : Jdidubi penes re;babest; ex bonis ?Om; &. f+audulenttf Tim fsnt.Plau- ; 49l inlighcned. Pride a prifo- ner, and Pride a rite maw. The deceitfulneffe of mane heart. abufe of the King in his falle fuggeftions againft the Jewes, and feigned pretences of the publick good,' would Toone have come to light, and that the true ca' fe was but a matter of private fpleene againft Mordecai. Thus many, whilft they are in petition of Tome office, or in expeftation of Come profit or preferment, how witty, how wily are they in the diffembling of their greedy, griping, cruel], ambi- tious, avaricious, and other vitious difpofirions, which might make any rub in their way ? There are not fo many, nor fo cunning devices for the hi. ding ofa .:turallinfrrmitiesof the body (as the croo- kedneffe of the legges,or backe, want ofa tooth,or an eye, or fuch like) ús in fuch cafes the deceitful] heart will finde out for the hiding ofthe usmaturall deforiiitie,rofthefoule.But let once theirdeliires be granrel, then they fhew themfelves; then the wa- ters before ftopt and dammed up,runne over, and rage furionfly. Hence it was that the Prophet well acquainted with the craft of thefe foxes, prays, Lei not the trickedhavebrs defireao Lord perforIx not his thought left he be proud. Why, was he not proud before ? Yes, in his very wifhes he was proud, but then pride was locked up and imprifoned 3 now his defire being farisfied, it would walke abroad and play reaks. The meaning then of the Pro - phet is, that the wicked, that before the obtain- ment of his purpofe, was proud inwardly, but yet in pol"icie repreffed it, would now be proud out- wardly, and open theflood- gates, that the current might runne amaine. And furely fo it is oftentimes, that as Saul hid himfelfe in the ftuffe, when-he was to