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¡40 Thedifferencc ofthecombate in the unrege nerate from that which is in the regene- rat.e. . Kom.7,z . sob. r..5:is The deceit fulneffi of mans heart. but this "refifiance is not from the minie renerved,and fo contenting unto, and delighting in the Law, as holy and good , as in Paul; but from the mine only inlightnedto fee the fearful' punilhmenrs that [hall follow upon the fin. And hence it is that the corn bare in the re;,enerate is in the fame faculties of the Soule, betwixt the will and the will , the affUtions and affections; becaufe as every part of the Soule is partly carnal], partly fp.rirnall , fo alto the will and affe &ions. When ce it comes to pane, that when therenewed parc of the will carries us to -good, the un- regenerate parr,t hat is,thc ftefh fwayes us to evild. But the combate of the un- regenerate,is betwixt di- vers faculCies of the foule; as betwixt the underif an. dine and the will, betwixt the confcience and the affections ; The will and affections of an ungodly man doe not hold backe , or make any refftance, when hee is tempted to Pinne :for they are wholly carnal], and have not either the left hatred of the Pinne forbidden, or love of the Law forbidding it; and therefore they are let a gogge, and lrinfZin imi quit,, as the fth loth water: but only his confcience, inlightned by God to fee the terrour of the puniflx- ment, caufeth a demurre to bee made. Herod in his inceft may feele inwardly fame objections alle ?Aged gainft ir,but yet he loves his inceft with all his heart andin like manner hates the.fevenr.h Commande- ment forbidding it, and wifhes with all his heart, there were no fuch Commandement. Thofe obje. ctions therefore are made, not by his will dilighting in the Law, and fo laying ; Hon' can I doe this and fixa- againft God ? But by the minde terrified with the threat-