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+ The Contents. S CN%fome. Subtil J.iflinEltons, II, Iss perfwadsng (To the cor.miraion of evill,where 14 dece_its. ri The painting of fnne with vertucr col^ sir t. p,I 69 2 By craving to bring us to mach. p 175 3 Zeltlang our hearts with the meere p 'eafure offinne. p.i87 p. 4 Prefumingupon Gods mercy. P.189 5 Pleading the necef ity ofliving. p.190 < 6 fl pretence we will doe st oriely for tryall fa&e p t 92 7 A prefuming upon that good we have. p.J93 18 An hope to make amends afterwards. p,197 9 A pretence of fomegood to en tse. p.200 t 0/in urging of our purpofe fl it to continuegod y p,2o 3 it By baying humane Lawes on our fides. I. 205 i z Our moderation infnning, 13 Lyre Ling the Scriptures to befor us. p, Li4 Eluding theScriptures againfl us. p.21 I LTo the omifon ofgood : where levels deceits. .11 The blacking of venire with the foot offin. p,213 2 From a little to bring us to nothing V. 214 3 7o fever the pleafure of godlineffe from the trouble. < p.216 4 Remembrance of that already done. p.230 5 Comparing our felves with our inferiours. p.232 6 Pretence ofavoiding evil!. ibtd, L7 Invention offalfe real-ens. p.233 which are, I From not doingevil. p.236 2 From a purpoje to doe it hereafter. p.237 3 From extraordinaryoccafons p231 4 From Gods `Predeffination. p. 23 3 5 From the difficulty ofgedlinee, p.234 Il1.ln