Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

The deceitf rineffe of mans heart. of God God that hatetb,forbiddeth, threatnech,pu- nifhech fanne; can he poffibly tempt unto fin ? yea, but thou fayeft bee decreed my finne; for nothing comes to paffe without his will : The fecond caufes move not , unle ire they bee moved by the firff. 1 anfrner. Thefirft caufe is not the caufe of the error that is in the motion ofthe f coed, though it be the caufe ofthe °motion : As in the wheeles of a Clock, the principali wheele, with iL's motion, turns about he lower, yet if there be any errour in the motion of the lower, it is no caufe at all chereof..Now, finne is not properly any motion, but an errour in the mo tionof thy heart. Gods will being the firft caule, is the caufe of thy hearts motion , for in him we live , prove, and have our being; but if-there be any finne, any errour in the motion , chine own will is the caufe thereof. For all that God bath to do about it, is hip voluntarypermißion, whereby he withdrawing his grace from thee, leaveth thee to thy felf, as not being bound unto thee. He doth not urge thee, or preffe thee unto finne : Hee doth not infule , or in- into thy minde any wicked motions, as doth sa- than : Hee onely fecceth the bait, or the net, and do-h not reftraine thy concupilcence from carrying thee to it : for bee owes thee no fuch fervice : but he doth not take poles as Sachan doth , and drive thee violently into the ner.And yet if sat hans temp- tations could not excufe Adarn,how much leffe then Gob defertion ? The lafi cranflarion which now i will (-peak of, is upon our brethren, whom if in any fort , wee can draw into the fociecy of the fame finne with our M z (elves i`S3 AEts I. 9 Vpon our brethren.