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The deceit flume( o f Mans heart. 173 not th©fe meanes wee fo much feeme to delre, and in the having whereof wee promife our (elves fuch great matters of our (elves : whence is it but from God, that bath denyed thofe mean es unto us ? O if we lived under Inch a mans miniftery, if we ïn joyed the daily company of fuch and fuch Chriftians,how fhould we profper then ? Why? but God bath not to difpofed that wee fhould ; If there were fuch ne- ce(iity of, and efficacy in thofe meanes as we think 3 hee would not with-hold them : Think we not that God is in Bead of all meanes to his , abundantly fupplyingthem with the pretence of his Cpirit; who as he was a little fanelisdry to his people, when they were difperfed among the Heathen,fo likewife Rill to us now a little Millinery , a little Colledge of Chri(tians, when his providence hash deprived us of theremeanes? But loe, an evident coavit ion of our deceitfulneffe of heart : For when we have thole very felfe fame helps, by the want whereof we excufed our felves, yet our former dulneffe and deadneffe (till fticketh by us, wee are the fame men that before. And of the deceitful! excufe of tran- flacion fo much. Esek, ti,Iß,