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The deceit fhlnefje of mans heart. f 183 what neerer, but even thole, (G ftrange )ugling ! ) from which they are fartheft diftant.. For yellow, or Come fuch middle colour to be taken for white, is no Inch great deceit of the eyes; but that blac(fhould be taken for white, this is a ftrange deceit indeed: And yet this is the deceit ofour hearts, to fhape out divers vices u us, like thole venues to which they are molt extremely contrary.For example,not only bate dejeílion of midde goes under the account of true humility, but even pride it fele : as in thofe that leek praile by difabling and difprayfng them- lelves ;as in i? iogenes treading upon Platoes C haire and laying,Plato,l trample uponthypride who there- fore worthily had that answer returned him, Thou tramplef on pride with greater pride. Thus was it i 1 thole Heretiques in Pauls time, ro humble, that they would not prefume to come to God immedi- ately, they would not dare to worfhip him, but the Angels; And yet of there men, in whom humility made fo great a noyle,the Apoftle is not affraid fay, that they arepuft up in their fl fhly m nde ; Lo,a proud humility:Andfuch is that ofthePapifts,in whipping themselves ;for in there things they fwerve from the wiredonne of the Word , and follow their own in- ventions. And what greater pride, than for a man to think himfelfe wiler than God? to leave the dire - dion of his Word,and to exalt his own fancie above it ? Thus David defcribeth the proud man ; Thou haft deflroyed the turfed proud: But who are thole ? The next words tels us, that doe erre from thy Com- mandements. And afterward in the fame Pfalm verf. s 5. The proud have diggedpit.r for : But who bee N 4 thole Co1,Z.18, Pfal.iz9.ZC.,