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1 84 The deceit fu lRJcff e of Maus heart. a Match.3, Prov.y.tq: Modn'atie xavia, Stx. spill. 4S Ecdef.q.5. thofe proud ones ? Which conform not themfelver to t J Edna, Let there be never fuch fhewes of humility, ifeherein we preferre our own wild to Gods,ít is but Pride varnilhed with Come colours of Humilitie. refer, no doubt, thought himfelfe hùmble,when he would not let Chrift wash his feet;But this was one. ly the deceitfulneffe of his own heart : For indeed he was proud in fo doing; becauCe, in refufing to obey Chrifls commandement, he made himfelfwi_ ter than Chrift. Alike deceitfull was the Baptifis bu- militie in refufing to wath Chrift, that was Peters in refufing to bee waffled by him. Had wee not need now to have our eyes in our heads, left otherwife our cunning hearts obtrude vice upon us, inftead of vertue ? What more effethhall argument can they nie to allure our alfe Lions to the love and liking of finne,than to fet this falle groffe upon it When the Strumpet would entice the yonker to commit fol- ly with her , the doth not give her finne the right name of filthineffe,which it defervedfor that would have driven him away, but Thee hangs out the Ivy- bufh ofa Tweet and lovely title,therewith inveigling the youth: Corne,let us take our, fill oflove,aa d delight our felve: in dalliance : Beatify whoredome is but love anddalliance. So theflxggardqualifies and mol- lifies his fhamefull floath with the Tweet name of peace, and fo luis himfelfe afleep in his finne. Better is a bandfull with grrietnej,(fo he tearmes his floth) than two handfuls with labour and vexation.T hus our hearts, bawds for the filthy Strumpet Sin, teach her this trick of deceitfulnefe; to corre& her natural] deformitie with thefe artificiali paintings, that fo wee