Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

The deceit fulnefe ®f macs -heart:" 189 and gees roon.ie of the truth, lrlt, for one arrne,then for another, the-n for the other parts, till at length the truth it felfe be wholy ju(fled out., If errour get Door Fa lk. but once into the Belf ey,i: will never leave till it be in the Chancell :iíit any be fuffred to be in the porch,. it will not bee long but you (hall fee it po(feffed of the Church it Celfe,and jetting kin the Prslpit. What (lull wee fay then to thofe reconcilers of, us and the i otsz,ani ?s, that would have us yeeld in Come things unto them ? A(Tiredl if once the fluces'be opened Potente porta Y, a the water muff needs runne a mine ? IF the a e inpofid)deefl wiluna uperiks be let open, the befieging enimie will enter. What nonirocedc;e. . íh311 wee fay like wife to thofe that think it no filch great natter to yeeld unto (hewes and appearances of Idolatrie ? as for Travellers into Idolatrous pla- ces to Phew Tome kïnde ofreverer ce to the H -off, to We the Popes to toe; ifyet thefe be fhewesonly of Idolatry, certainly thefe are but lhooing- hornes, to -draw on further matters. Th.refore the leaft Ganes in every Commandement are reproached wich the name of the greatefi; as the unchafte glance of the eye with adultery, and Paul cals the Corinthians fit- I Cor.io.i4 ring down at the Idolatrous Feaft, though without all intent of honouring the I loll , by the odious name of Idolatry:becaufe thefe Idler and pettie mat- ters (as we count them) make way, and pave a cau- fey for the greater. Hence it was that Job freed him - felfe, not only from the groffer Idolatry, but even I°v3r. :y; from the leaft Phew of it, in out ward fa(hions; not onely from woríhipping the Sunne and Moone but even from his hands killing of.his mouth; a mamma psi efi gefture only of adoring. And ,becauCe herein our admavere, hearts