166 The deceitfulneffi of mans heart. id Si corpus meum trzbitis, nun- quid e'a animum & acodes, &c f Adero itaque abfcns, & fic & vos, & ilia ¡upe rabo. Et nen Brat jam Ille qui yens- rat, jed unau de turba ad quarts venerat. Speaavit, cla- mavit , exalt, abflulit inde fe- tters infaniam, qui fimulare_ tar redire naps tantum cum iilis à quibus prisa abflraliaa ell, fed etiam pea illis,òc. Nose repinte ft wimps. ------ of Alipius, related alto by the fame Father, is farre more remarkable who being importuned by his companions to go to thole bloody fpe&acles of the gladiatory combats , at length with much adoe hee yeelded, yet purpofing with himfelfe, (and telling them fo much ) that hee would keep his eyeslhut and fo be abfent, even whilft he was prefent,over- comming both his friends, by going with them, and alto the fights to which he went with them , by be- ing but a blinde beholder ofthem. But being come thither, and upon the fall of one of the fighters the people n-raking a great out -cry, he could no longer hold his eyes fhur, but longing to fee what the ma:- ter was,opened them, fixed them upon that barba- rous fight , and fed them with ,the cruell pleafure thereof.So that now,faiesÁuflen,he was not the fame he that came thither,but one ofthat multitude to which he was come, a right companion of thofe to whom bee came. He beheldandlooked on with the refs, cryed out with them,was inflamed with thern,and carried thence that madneff , which wrought in him an itch ofretur ning,not onely with them that brought him ¡hit her, as a companion,but before t hem,ar a captain and ring. lea- der o finny others. But among all examples there is none to that of salmons. The beginning of whole overthrow was from this deceit. It had been a hard matter for fo excellent a man at firft dafh to have been brought to that hcigth of defeetion ; no. No man fuddenly becomes notorioufl-y wicked, fpecial- ly having been eminently vertuous before,but flep by ftep, peece and peece, here a little, and there a little. Lo therefore how Solomon deceitful) heart foyled