The deceitfidneP of Mans heart: 165 -------... as in eating , where one bitdrawes downe another, though at firft we purpofed to eat little or nothing. And as we get a ftomacke, and provoke our appe- tite, fometirnes by eating; fo is our fitnelfe for, and desire after finne encreafed by beginning to fin. For as every good work encreafeth our holineffe,and fo hability forobedience, according to that of S. Paul, Being made thefervant.1 of God, you haveyour fruit in holineffe : fo every fin adder h to our pollution, lea - ving behinde it a kind of ftaine in the foule,whereby it is the readier for further difobedience. Whence it comes to paffe , that having begun to fay lea, to finne,bur,(or a little; we find it fo hard afterward to fay it nay, in farre greater matters; and having farif tied the smaller requefts of fin ne, we are made farre more eafie and inclinable unto her greater de- mands.Hence that warning of the Apofile, Bee not deceived :Evil) words corrupt good rnanners.Your de- ceitful) heart will beare you in hand,that it marten not fo much for words, it is but a fm.rll matter, what words or phrases one uses. But the truth is, evil) words, as (mall as you make of them, will bring on evil l deeds. Monica,Buffins mother(as himfelfe re- ports it) when the was.a maid , beganne to tip a lit- tle wine, as the poured it forth for her parents : But marke what followed upon this tipping. Daily ad- ding, faith Auflin, unto her firft little, new tittles ; because he that maketh no bones of ïmall mattters, by little and little will fall to greater ; the came to that pafte,that the could with greatgreedinefie draw dry almoft whole cups full of wine.Loe what comes bit of tipping and killing the cup. But the example 0 2 of Rom.4 Z. cleared. ConfeiT. 1. o,e. 8. l'rimoribue, labris f rbebat exiguum. ttaqueadillnd modicum quoti. diana modica addendo,quouà_ am qui modica aaegiàgit, paula tim decidit ; in cam con foci q- di,,t,,, lapfa e- ras ut prope jam plenos me- re caliculot in- inanity haurirrt. Cor, fef, cap. 8.