;; I198 The deeeít fulneffe of Mans heart. uemadmo. in in corporá- bus vii vu!nera neg!eserunt fe. bres gignunt & putrtfadiiones, ac mortem de- nique: itidem & inanimis quri pufitla di; lam, ma )ora snvitant.Chi y. in Gal, ling Chryfoí ome tels us that it is a fife rule , not one ly to avoid finne it felfe,but alío things teeming in. different, that may tole and draw us on to finne : And he inftauces in laughter, and quipping, and de licious feafling, from whence have grown many mifchiefes. Thefè indifferent chings,at leafs fo fee. ming, hee accounts the edge of the hid, and bids us cake heed how we ufe them. And in truth though fuck things may feerne nothing , yet there is much deceit and danger in them : They are like Elias his cloud, which at firft feemes very little, no bigger then ones hind, yet by and by it over- fpreads the whole skie, and caufeth a dafiling fhower. Where fore, as the Prophet in the firff riling of che Cloud, bade the King hie him to his Chariot, to avoyd the re mpeft;Co mutt we,fore- feeing the danger ofa great empeft , even in there fo little Clouds, flie to our shelter prefently. The levees being forbidden to make covenants with the Geitiles, they alto abftrai- j nod from drinking with them, becaufe that was a Ceremony ufed in ftriking of Covenants, and fo it ¡might have drawn them on thereto: AndEveha- ving received a commandement from God, only not to eat, }ayes the muff not touch the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evill . For touching might have drawn on tailing. The like warineffe if we (hall ufe,then may we efcape this deceitfull filare of our falfe and fraudulent hearts. Otherwife, if we be too too regardleffe of fmaller matters, of the oc- cafions and preparative to finne, quickly !hall wee be caught. AMd as in the body little pricks of a pin neglehed , have bred ranklings in the flefh , and thence