The deceit fielnef o f Mary heart. s 199 thence worfe matters have follo wed ; even death it felfe at Taft: Co here in the foul, our connivence and over- favourable indulgences to our frnaller lanes, cannot but invite and call; yea, and with a magneti. call kinde of actra6tion forcibly draw unto us fuF- ther and farre more dangerous mifchiefes. The third deceit is, to tickle our at eáions,and let III. Deceit, our delires a float , by prefenting unto us the Meere tickling of our hearts with and pure pleafure of finne. For howfoever the plea- tte pleafure fore of finne be a painful! pleafure,a foure-tweet , of time, which bath much bitternefie mixed; yet our hearts cunningly hide and conceale that. The flefh by ve- hemency of temptation raifeth fuch clouds,that the light ofoar underftanding is taken away; as in David in his adultery, the flefh did fo polfeffe him with the apprehenfion of the prefent pleafurable delight of his finiie, that he could not chink of char íhame, that griefe', thole wounds ofconfcience, thole bro- 4n bones, thole íharp corrections that were to fol- pfal,sr, low. Thus the Devil dealt with our Saviour , hee fñewed him the world and all the glory thereof: but there was allo much griefe as well as glory in the world ; but hee would thew him none ofthat. So there isfarre more gall and bitterneffe, than honey and fweetneffe in fin ; yet our deceitful! hearts will not let us take any notice thereof: like the Ifraelites, that could remember the flefh pots and onions, but not the bricks nor the bondage of Egypt. Thus we deride that of 3oIo1non,Gofo,youngmfe, thy heart Eccicftr.9. cheer thee in the days ofthy'meth, &c. fuppreffiing that which followes ,But knore that for all this , God Prov.9.r7,rs. will bring thee tojudgement. Thus the impure wan - 0 4 ton