Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

2OO The deceirfulneffe of Mans heart. ton deceiveth himfelfe, who harkneth to the tweet voice of the flattering Harlot. Stops rvaters are fireet, and the bread of deceit is plea fant : But he 4 'eowes not faith Solomon , that the dead are there, and that her guejls are in the depth of hell. This deceit is much like that ofboyes , hiding a pinne in a fair role, and fo pricking thofe that fmell to it; or Eke that of trade(- men,that thew their chap -men the better part 'of the cloth,and hide the worfe. But to deliver our (elves from the danger of this deceit, we muff, when we are thus tempted with the fenfe ofprefent plea - Cure, call our eyes beyond it, and look behind it, to fee the talle it hath of many forrowes and vexations. We muff labour as wel toforefee what is to come,as to fee what is prefent. Doth the Devil thew thee, as once our Savior, a goodly fight ofhonor,glory,plea- fure,prof t, &c.in fin ? That thou maifi not be invei- gled therewith,thoumuft put down his fight with a- nother fight of fhame,terror,torment here &in hell, and other fuch like attendants of fin which are to be Caen in the word.Think as weil of the foure Cauce, as the'fweet meat.; as well of laels nayle to pierce our temple,as of her milk & lodging to relieve our third & wearines;as wel ofDalilahs fciffers to cut our hair, as of her lap to lull us afleep; as wel of the pricking as of the pleafantneffe of the hawthorn. The Greek í1TÓ rp,,, , Poet Pays wittily, if the pain of the head ach were before .9úvxsQaay e?c, !t'nacffean. theplefure of the reine,none would be drunk.;(( we could in our apprehenfion feel the pain ofíin before hand, wee would efcape the fnake that lies hid under the green grafí-e , the hook that lies covered under the pleafaatbait. This is Salo xonr.ad vice in the tempta- tion' í'. lown11111