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idon to ti drunkennes,even then when our teeth are let on water with the pleafant colour ofthe wine fprin- kling and leaping, in the glaîfe,to remember thzt yet in the end it aril bite 114e a ferpent, 6, hurt libe cocks trice. And fo in temptation to uncleannes by the fair fpeech and alluring beauty of the harlot,to remem- 1 ber that her later end is bitter as vcornwrood,& Jharper Prot ;3 r,3Z. than any two edged fword : For here truly bath place Pr®o,s.a- that fpeech of Abner to bah, KnowefithoisNot it will Z sarn.z. i6. be bitterne/f in the later end 2 Sinne may well bring with it a flattering pleafure in the entry , but it al- wayes clofes with a bitter remorfe in the end. The 4.deceit is,when itperfwaderh us to fin,upon hope of Gods mercy for pardon. This is a very du- prefum ceitof all & dangerous deceit. Like that ofthe divels to our Mercy. Savinur, Cali thy f lfe down headlong ,for the /ngels Jhall beare thee up:So our hearts to us,cafl your (elves, implunge your felves into this or that fin, the mercy , ofGod Thal] help you out, Poyfon thy fell, here is a counter- poyfon; Break thy head, here is a plaifter; Surfet,here is a Phyfition.An intolerable thing it is, that the-mercy of God, the only inviter and provo- ker of our obedience,through the fophiffry of there naughty hearts of ours, fhould be made an allurer & very bawd as it were to all filth ineffe. There ii mercy Pîal.r3o.g.. with thee,faith the Prop'.net :what? that thou mightefi be defpifed,blafphemed? no,th. at thou naigh. tffbe f a_ red.And the love -of Ch riff conflráines Paul to duty. Therefore fee what noble deceivers our hearts are, that can make that an enticer ro n,which of it felfe Z C f or.y.r4. is the only powerful! and conflraining perfwader to i. ,godline:ffe:.Bucqet them take t'eyed Jett 'their hope of mercy The deceitfulne(e of Mans heart.