Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

'! 202 The deceitfulnle of Mast heart. mercy bee not prefumption. As a man pitfng over a bridge, which his falle fpe&acles make to feeme broader than indeed it is, being thereby deceived, goes betides the bridge, and fo is drowned : fo is ir1 with thofe, whole deceitful) hearts make the bridge of Gods mercy larger than it is, they are in danger of falling befide it , into the waters of eternal) deftru -1 a on. For though Gods mercy be of the largeft ex- tenr,yet it is bounded with his truth. And therefore ulually in the Scriptnres we find there two coupled together, Gods mercy , and his truth. So that Gods, mercy may not bee fuch, whereby his truth in any fhould bee impeached, as it fhould if it bee proftitu- ted it (elfe indifferently and promifcuoufly to all, as well the infolent and impenitent, as the poore, humble, and broken hearted firmer ; For unto there later onely is this matter of promîfe made : Andif to the others the gate ofinercy fhould be fet open, Gods mercies (as solomon (-ayes ofthe wicked , that they are cruel) mercies) fhould be falfe and unjuft mercies : But God never yet learned fo to be merci- full, as to make himfelfe falfe, and unfaithful). The fifth deceit is, when our hearts, the better to hearten us to finne, plead the necefïity of living in this world,and maintaining our felves and our char- ges. O wee muff needs live,fay form : And unleffe we doe thus, and thus ( fay, break the Sabbath , lie , Cwear, defraud, &c.) wee cannot live. Efau under this pretence fold away hea'en : He was very hun- gry,and knowing not how to relieve the neceflityof Hunger otherwife than by accepting of iacobs con- ditions, acceptcd them : I mutt maintaine my felfe , faith V. Deceit, pleading ne- tef city of li- ving.