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The deceit fulnej of Mass heart, 2 -3 faith Efau ; At this prefent I cannot without fome foods food I fee none but my brothers pottage;Thls I cannot have,withour I buy it with my birth-right : And thus he deceived himfelfe. The like deceit we (hall fee in Demetrius the Silver - fmith, who pleads hard for Dia;aa, and the worfhip of her Images, by this very argument.sirs,,et (non) that by this craft tre have our goods : If Diana goe down, our living goes down with her. Thus would Satan have beguiled Chrift, when in his hunger he perfwaded him to re- lieve himrelfe by taming {tones into bread And in- deed to get our bread by fal(hoócl,oppreflion, wrong or any indirear courfe, is a kinde ofturning {tones into bread : And what good,will fuch bread doe us ? Bread made of (tones thall turn into (tones, even in the very eating. The bread ofdeceit,though ne. ver fo plealánt, yet in the mouth proves but gravell, faith Solanore,Prov.20.1 . And no marvell, It was made of gravel' and ftones; And fo renames to his f}r(tfubftance. Another remedy againft this deceit is to oppofe a greater neceflicy of our foules living both here and hereafter with God. What doff thou tell me of the neceffity of thy living here ? There is one only neceffcy, for which there is no cx :ufe and is, not to offend God. One thirig is needf til, faith 1411x pv àvár drift, to provide for thy foule againft hereafter, x»aWapát7r?os whatfoever become of this carrionly carcalfe of T ctr . s thine. This is the farce greater necefl:icy ache two. It is not then limply necelfary for thee to live here Or if is were,yet nor to live by full wicked meaner, which trine own unbelieving heart fuggefl:eth, c xa,, lives not by bread on y, but by every woodd that proceeds Match. },