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The deceilfnlneffe of mans heart. But here the Jewes having made a covenant mith hell and death, would be ready ro objeet againft the Prophet ; What then is all this threatning to us ? We are none of thole that withdraw their hearts from God. Vfe of meanes loth r of prejudice truft in God : Truft in God, ask cannot Rand with trufi in meanes ; fo neither without nfe of meanes whtin they maybe had. We repofe our felvcs on God, as much as thy (elfe or any elle :.nd we repaire ro the fecond caules,only as ferviceable,and fuhordi- nate to the firft.Therfore as the fiarrorvby trandri rr, and the fwa 'orr byjing, efcape, fo this thy cau,.'f ffe curfe'hall not come : neither are we fuch children to be skarred with bugs words. The Prophet therefore in this verfe preventeth this objection, and keepeth them from this ftatting- hole,faying,The heart as deceitful;as jibe Mould fay, Flatter not your (elves in a vaine conceic,that you withdraw not your heart from God, and fo God will not withdraw his from you. Nothing more eafie than fora man to deceive hím(elfe ; for the heart by reafon of the great wickednefl'e thereof,ís a bottomlef e and unfearchable gul fe of guile : in- fomuch as none can know, not onely anothers, but not his owne heart. The Lord onely bath prefer - ved this as a prerogative royal] to himlelfe, exactly to know the depth of our hearts ; that fò, though men conceiving well of themfelves, may conceive amiffe of God, as one that by his doings will not juftifie the Prophets fayings ; yet bee judging of men according to the fecret difpofition aad confti- tution of their hearts may deale with them accor- dingly,