s,74 Heb.z.4. Pfa1.37. 3. The deceitfielnefe of Mans heart. ceeds out of the mouth of God. And the jufi man liver even this hi temporall life all() , not by there and chele fhifes, but by his faith : And that is his meat in the want ofother things, according to that of the P ropher, rrufi in the r ord,and doe good; dwell in the land, and feedthy felfe by, or with, thy Faith, as Tre- melius reades ic. And thus we have handled five de-1 ceics which our hearts ufe in perfwading us to finne.' There remaine yet divers others which wee will (peak of in the Chapter following. 22421,3ENIZE2 4>.EETZEIMEETE t.' * WEIE2 CAHP. XVI. of nine more deceits in the fame binde. Herefore to proceed forward with there de- V t. Deceit, Ceits; the next deceit is, A pretence that Pretence of will doe fuch and fuch things (evill and doing only ungodly) only for trials fake, that by our own ex for trials fake. we may the better learn the vanity of fin. For example, fome will goe purpofely to fee Mafle, to the end as they fay , that they feeing the foolifh- nell'e and filthineffè thereof, might learn to loath it the more. The like pretence is ufed for feeing of. playes, that by feeing many filthy firm es (which the! Apoftles would not have once fo much as to be named) reprefented and aced on the Stage,we fhall{ learn to hate thofe vices the more. But God hath appointed better Schoole- millreffes for the hatred' of finne, than the pra &ife of finne. Why fhould we leave the meanes appointed by God to work chis hatred of finne, and deviîe other meanes ofoul own? La this the belt way to learn continency, totl exer -I