The deceitfslneffe of mans heart. 205 exerctte and trade our felves in uncleanneffe ? Was there ever any that learned Cobriety by haunting Taverns and Ale - houles ? temperance out of the Cchool of Epicurifnle? chaíticy in the ftewes?l deny not but God, who draweth light out ofdarkneííe, can heals the wound of the Viper with the flefh of the Viper,and can make f n,contrary to his own na- ture,to work our good,driving out one poyfon with another. What then ? becaule the learned Phyfitian can heale us with poyl n, Thal we therefore be tam- pering with them our felves ? So in ftead ofhealth we may quickly meet with death. No,solorsrors him - Celle was deceived in this point; as his Ecclefiafles fhewcth : And his experience may teach us, how dangerous it is to try the heat ofthe fire by putting in our finger. He gave:himfelfe to a pleafurable de- licious life only for tryall fake,to make proofe of it, what was in is ; that if he could not find happy tran- quillity of mind, hee might leave it fo much the more willingly. But alas , how milerably was hee hampered in the hares thereof? How was he by th s meanes drawn on to that fearefull Apoftacie in his old age? (hall not his experience make us wife ?fhall any man now think hee can now fafely beare that butt hen, which bath already broken sarp í b ck? The f vevath deceit is,when we ground our liber- VIII. Deceit, ty which we cake offinning,upon thole good,either- Prefium;ng graces we have, or a6iions we doe ; perfwading our goodwe have. upon that (elves that a little dramme of Come goodneffen us will weigh down many talents of wickedneffe. ¡For as we can cover in our brethren many venues under Come one infirmity : fo contrarily in oiir felves (fo cunning