The deceit, fulne e of mans heart. caíne ir, according to that of Paul: wake worthy of that high calling. should fach a man as 1, faith Nehe. miah,goe into the Temple to live ? Againe, haft thou Come graces, fome good things in thee ? O then dif grace them not with finne.but make them as grace. full as thou cantt,by adding untothern what is wan- ting, that fo there may be a Tweet proportion, and comely conveniency in the fpiritual body of grace. For asic were an abfurd fpeech to fay, I have all o- ther parts of my body feemely,and comely,legges, hands,eyes,lippes,cheekcs ; therefore ir matters not for my deformed and mifhapen note; no body can lee this bletnifh among fo many ornaments ; yes they will fee it, and marke it fo much the rather,and the deformity of t by nofe is made more confpicu ous by the conformity of thy other members : fo allo, alike abfurd is it to perfwade our felves, that becaufe of Come ornaments in our foules, the many monftrous enormities thereof will be winked at. Is any woman fo foolifhas to thinke.becat-Iff úßï lace is veryfaire,and beautitull,therefore the may (peck andfpot it here and there with mire and dirt ? or becaufe her clothes Thine and glitter, therefore the may ftaine them ? Whereas the fairer the face, and the garment, the greater is the dilgrace ofthefpot, and ftaine. So alto would any man bee fo CRafe- lefl'e, as to think thus, becaufe I have a good lute, good ftockings, cloake, and band; therefore I may well enough put on an old dufty, worne, and torne hat. No ; this will dit,race all the reit of his fur- niture ; and it would bee nothing fo great a fore in he eyes of the beholders,if his doublet & hole were tattered