The deceitfulnef of tans heart. 209 tattered,his fhooes mufty, broken, &c. The eighth deceit is, when we prefume the rather to fnne, hecaufe we think to Make amends for it afterward by Come good deeds., as prayer, confef- fon,alrues, &c. The covetous man fees a prey, force rich booty, whereby he may benefit hirnfelfe much, in the injury and cjpreflìon of his neighbour. Yea', but hisconfcience tels him,opprefIion i fi :,ne, how then may he doe it ?'Hisdeceitfull heartfuggefteth, chat if of erward bee bee a little more bountifull in giving cf aimes, bee (hall make an aboundant re- con- per c e for his finne, and fo_bids him flick no long- r at the ma -ter. In this one particular, Auftin both propoundeth, and difcovererh this deceit ve- ry notably. The extortioner, faith he, faith thus unto nle,I am not like the rich man in the Gofpel,1 feafi the Poore, ¡ f ènd fitfieuance to the prifoners,Icloath the na- ked, I entertaine theftrangers. To whom he anfwe- reth. Thou thinkefithou giveft." Doe not take away, "and thou haft given. Hereloyceth to whom thou " haft given:but he weepeth from whom thou haft "taken away. Which of diefe two thinkeft thou `C will God heare ?Thou fayft to him to whom thou "haft given,be thankful for that thou haft received: `c but on the other fide the other man faith I mourn for that thou haft taken away. God, he Cayes to cc thee,foole,I bade. thee;ive,but not of other folks "goods. Know thou foole,who of thy fpoiles & ra Cc pines giveft aimes, that when thou fpoileft a Chri- "ftian, and robbeft him, thou robbeft Chrift him - "C felfe. And ifthey (hall be Cent to hell that did not "cloatb Chrift (that is, a Chriftian) when naked , ce what. VIILDeceir, Hope of ma- king amends afterward. De verb. ,dpo(E. fer, L I. tow. 10. Dicit mibi rap- tor reruns atie- narum,d*c. Agapas tacit, vinais in car- cere,erc: Dare te potar : tollere cles'ifli.