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' l 210 I The deceitfulneffe of an heart. "what place {hall they have in hell that made him cc naked when he was cloathed? Hire happily thou `e wilt fay , thou ftrippeft a Pagan, and cloathef a Chrihan : Even here will Chrift anfwer thee, Farrcedannir "oh (pare ro dxmnifie mee, For when thou who art eis. "a Chriftian docfl thu, oppreffe a Pagan, thou kee- "peft him from becoming a Chriftian. If thou " halt then of chine own,give ; if not,better for thee "to gratifie none,then to grate upon any. So far Ao- ien, excellently (hewing the grofnefs of this deceit, chat roe shay rob Peter, if afterward roe will pay Paul thererrith.This kinde of deceit feemech to have car. tied said to that his difobedience, in retaining the fatceft of the ArnalekiteJ flocks. He thought belike the ( laine thereof would eáfily bee wafhed our with the blood of his facrifice , whereof he (-peaks ïo much afterward to Saneaael Thepeople too(it to offr r Sam.rsts. to the Lord thy God, in Gilgal. And fo the whoorifh ZI woman thinks the like water will purge away all the Prov.714. filthineffe of her luft:I have peace sfferings(faith she, encouraging b er felfe and her youth in their fumes) At home,and I have payed my vo±es. This feernes alto to have bin the deceit ofthe`Pharifecs,asforceread that, Luke t. 41 Tee give Aloes 'namel y of goods gotten by rapine t pillage) and then all void be clean, the blot of your injuftice you think is fufficiently wafhed away. A horrible thing, to think that God will thus be corrupted, and made to wink at oui flu: Ecclef.3:4. No,t-1ethat ofïereth to tlieLordofthegoods oftkepoor, is as he that J2crificeth to the Sosene before the Father. But here is a double deceit. r. That we can fads. fie for our fins by any of our works. 2.. That there- fore