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212 She deeeitfolneffe of Mans heart. of godlinefte perfcrmed by filch as wallow in florae without repentance, cannot pacific his wrath. tx. Deceit, The ninth deceit is,wh en wesperfwade our felves Pretence to the committing of fome finne, upon repentance earning g off. either of the confequence of fome great good, which otherwife cannot be had ; or the prevention of fome greater evill, which otherwife cannot bee avoided. Hence that deceitfull rule, of two evil,' choofe the left. Lot was caught in this loare , when hee would have redeemed the greater finne ofthe sodomites againft his guefts, with the leffe againft his daughters; when he would have prevented so dofliie, by permifíion of adultery. So throe/having (worn to gratifie the requeft of that dancing Mi. nion, for the avoyding of the Sands, rufhes upon the Rock; preventing perjury as he thought, by rnurther. But the truth is, a man is nev'erfo incom- Ncma ita per affed betwixt two evils but he mi : finde an out- plasm tenetter p inter duo situ, going without a third. Now as concerning the quinobexitus hope of forne good that may enfue; here Lott pateat abfq,;. daughters were caught, as well as their father in the former: For when they fell into that foule abhomi- nation of incei} , in all likelihood this was that which prevailed with them , a hope they hcl that by this meanes , in their Fathers pofterity, the Church of God (otherwife in their opinion neere an end) fliould be upheld, and preferved. And was not here a goodly colour , to commend inceft . unto them, the prelervation of the Church from ruine? But had not Abraham as good acolourfor to have (pared If iac, contrary to Gods commande- ment? even the fame that they had,theprefervati - ont