The deceitfitlne of mans heart. 213 ion, andfaluation ofali the Ele& 7 which he might feare would haue Beene ,buried in ifaac&s afhes , of whom hee knew the Nleftìah muff come. And in- deed, if Abraham had not had a found heard indeed, here had been e fit place for this deceit.The Leapers were thus deceiued , when , -- contrary to Chrifts; Commandementg; they divulged the Miracle of their healing : Their reafon was to declare Chrifts glory, and their owne thankefulneffe. But they fEould hue learned that as when God commands things otherwife forbidden then they are no fins as in Abrahams cafe : fo when bee forbiddeth things otherwife commanded, then they are no parts of obedience, whatfoeuer plaufible perfwa- fions wee may frame to our Celues..sawl alCo was ;.s2w,,- r4 .14. thus deceiued, when for the betterouerthrowing ofthe Philiftims, hee forbad the people to eat any thing till the euening. So Rebecca, when for gaining a biding, Thee taught her fonne how to lie.fliafien confariase makes mention of force that iuftified the reading of the immodeft, and lafciuious writings of the heathen Poets vnto young boyes, by the good that comes of it, namely, the fining of the tongue , the Hine vea Sa polifhing of the fpeech. That which is good is di/crsnt,r,hinc preciàusindeede, and according to . 5alornonr rulle, ¡ clogaentia, &c. wes are to bug it, but yet not to our diCaduantage ; Prou 23 $3 with the Joffe onely of worfe,thíngs, not of better thi gstben that wee::buy._W-ee muff not buy elo- querieef,24signorl oi'ds fu,de rely, as withuthe lofi-e of OAé(1 cot fcience:.unè ufl:not redeemeour little flog with thè lo.(.fe of our eyes. For as excellently ); 4 tßt ., Qood zr ird are oat more eafilp learned by tho f P 3 fritby