Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

The deeeitfulneJ of Mans heart. 2r5 doe euill that good may come thereof, though the thing itf elfebe good , yet to vs it is not good. Our fìnue in procuring it, bath altered the nature ofit. lfthis were well thought of by fome, they would riot fo dec.-chic then) tellies, as they doe,,in vfng bale fhifts, and in; ire&, atid,vnhoneft courfes, for the inriching of their e.flate , ypon:,pretence of doing . gcbd to the Church , whereto they lay they íhall thus bee enabled. I tell fuch, that the good which thus they doe to the Church, in them is no good , but turnedinto,finne -, For -as in. is;,faid, that wee-may not lie for God, fO 'eithermay wee op 1[ob43.1; pre(fe,defraud or doe any other euill either for God or the, Church Of God. [je kuowes he w to prouide for hi's Church with©tàt thee. He wil o honou red with the price oFa dogge,and à tivt réd -le needs not thy vertire-.r,much Ielfe thy Graves, either- for his Ovine glory, òriais Churches. Neuer feare, that ei- ther of thefe will fall downe, though they feeme neuerf« nuchto fhake;vnleffe thou (as once vzzah his hand to faue the Arke)put under the prop ofthy Deut.%346. finne. But againft this deceit for euer remember that golden rule of the poft l e, PPe may not doe euill, Rom.3. no not the leaft) thaiF,yood. (though the greateil )' 1711 come thereof The tenth Deceit is,when wee therefore prefume X. Deceit, vr- to goe on in our Gnnes , becaufe our meaning is, if gmg i purPcfe Bill weetnaybeleeue Our he. rtsato continue alto in the to continue prglice of gôçilineffe as,it were parting flakes godly. betwixt God and the Deuill. If our hearts fh-ould perfwade vs fo to inthrali our Jellies to finne, as I wholly to renounce Gods ferui,ce, and (hake offhis; P 4 yoaké,