216 Thr ,deceitfiiltreff of Mans 'heart. yoake , this tOlald not fo eafily bee granted. But nowwhen they beare vs in hand, that ftin.. wee í1;all continue Gods feruants , notwithfranding our Cer- uice performed to finne , wee quickly apprehend this , and thiini e this will bee fine, if we can both pleafe God,and our owne tiaughrie hearts too.This was'.fialowons deceit.in his flirt declination ,when he began ouer -much to harken to the inchantments ofpleafures; that for all his pleafüres, hee Would Rill continue his former exercife ofpiety.But when once he had goilë tIMA,farre, 'to `admit of fuch com- panions with God.in the fcrùice of his heart , they could not long endure Gods ,partnerfhip , nor "yet God theirs, and $alOP,rota at len th,gaue. otter the fernice of God , and feared' idols. Neuer then lét vs thinker that wee can ioyrie`together 'things fo in fociable, godlineffe. and wick elneffe. It is a hard matter to exercife two fezierall Trades, much more two fuch 'contrary trades, asthefe two. Neuer let vs bee fo groffe, as to think eve e can reconcile things altogether irreconcileable, God and sathan: ye can- not feriae two contrarie Mailers, God andMammon, God and Baccbiie1 God and ;Venru. The Mammon fi flattereth hiîmfelfe in his Wor1dlineffe , becaufe hee purpofeth Rill to continue his zeale andforward- peffe in Religion. But this is inipoflible. For how can fuch a worthy Princeffe as Grace , indure fuch rogues for her bed - fellows, to lodge with'her in our hearts , as are Couetoufnelfe, Vol.uptuoufneffe, &c. No, Grace, muff haue all,or none. Ifany'finne haue but a part, it muff haue alI.L,oe then a notable craft. I'fyou will let fuch and fuch gueffs in to h$uefome -i -r-oorne-,