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The deceit fidnef of Mans heart. 217 roome, they will not bee any unquiet neighbours : Grace shall enioy her roome still. But when once they are got in , Grace is fo annoyed , that thee is faine to depart prefently. And fo all falls to their fhare. Theelelsenth Deceit is when wee flesh and con - firmeour felues in our finnes, becaufe of fore hu- mane Lawes which may feeme to fauour them. Though yet indeed, they onely tolerate them, and not allow them. Thus the common Vfurer decei- ueth himfelfe ; why , the Law allowes eight in the hundred : yea,but the Law onely ftints, and limits it to eight in the hundred, and Ib farre giues way to it, for the preuenting of a greater mifchiefe. But this will of be enough to excufe the Vfurer in the Court ofConfcience.Thus the Imes themfelues in the matter oftheir Potygamy,in hauing many wiues; and in their diuorces for euery trifle. They thought Mofes law had allowed them in thefe finnes. i\Vher- as our Sauiour fheweth, Mofes onely gane a tolerati- on,becaufeofthe hardneffe of their hearts.Soin the matter of maintenance for the Miriifter, many, though rich St able, yet refufe to giue any thing, be- caufe they haue not thofe things,the riches whereof the law requires for this purpofe.Yet the law of God is plaine,Let him that is taught male him that tea/heth him partaker ofall his goods. And againe,in the Cities which the other Tribes muft giue the Leuites, God would haue this proportion to be kept; filch Tribes as had more Cities in their inheritance , should part with more : such as had letfe,with fewer. By thee- quitie of which proportion, thofe that are richer are bound XI. Deceit, from humane I aw on cu r fide. Math.} 9.18. C a1.6.5. P7unsù.3q.8.