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218 XII Deceit, from our mo- deration in finning. a.Sam.it.q. The deceitfulneffe of Mans heart. bound to giue more to the Miniftrie, then the poo- rer. A:nd yet,ifthis colour of humane Law willferue the turne, they may giue leffe. For the poorer may haue Tithes payable by the Law , when the richer haue none.But Gods Law requires,that according to. cur , whether our eftate be in matters tithe- able, or not, that matters not with God,. we fhould maintaine the Miniferic. The - /we lfe Deceit is, when therefore wee flatter our feint's in our finne, and thinke wee may well e- nough doe it, as long as we keepe a moderation in finning, and doe not lath -out fo farre as "others doe. Thus many thinke they need not fticke to ride upon the Sabbath , though for trifling, triuiall caufes, fo they flay an houre by the way to heare a Sermon,4 doe not wholly fpend it in travelling, as kale doe. Thus many beare themfelues out in their hard and vniufr dealing with the poore, becaufe they vie not all that crueltie they might,and that others doe; be caufe they -onely clip offthe wnolland not the liming fäefh : it may bee they take but halfe the forfeiture of a band; it may be they reflore halfe ofthe worth of the pledge, when it is forfeited. So theeues thinke, if they leaue fome moray in the trauellers purfe :and let him -fcape with his life, which was in their hands, they are fo farre from being to be accufed for their ftealing, that rather they are to bee commended for their mercie , and moderation in ítealing.Thus;Da- uidthough he followed his luft in lying with Rath fheba,yet he would not lie with her, but being puri- fied,according to the. Law.: And lying with her fo,' his .deceitful) heart made him thinke -hee might the more