2"he deceitfelnef of Mane heart. 219 more fafely doe it. But this deceit is not hard to bee difcouered.Doth Dauid indeed make confcience of Ceremonial!, and yet none of Morall puritie ? Doth the Theefe make confcience ofleauing one twelue- pence in the Trauellers prefe, and none of taking many hundreds out ofit?So in the remitting ofhalfe the forfeiture, 1 aske of thee, whether the fame reafon that makes thee giue one haïfe, fhould not preffe thee to giue the other alto, thou hauing no more right before God to keepe the one part then the other? The thirteenth Deceit) is in wrefting the Scripture to make it ferne ourturne. And if once our deceit full hearts can finde the leaft colour for our frenes there,then runne wee away with it,and take liberty to finne boldly. It (hall not bee amifie to fee this in forne particulars. a For libertie in finning, prophane ones alleadge that of Salomon; Be not infi Doer-match. So a man may be too forward, and precife. And againe, bee not zwic- ked Darer -mach. So then a man may be wicked mo- derately. Anfiv.T he former words are not to be vnderftood of true righteoufneffe, as though there could be too much there, but a deuifed righteoufneffe of our owne, without the Word of God. Such as is that of the Papifts in whipping then.felues,Therfore Sua- lemon addes in the fame place : Neither bee too ?rife. Make not thy felfe wirer then God,in prefcribing co _thy felfe a ftric`'ter righteoufneffe, then his word im- pofeth vpon thee. What then? is this to cry downe the pra lice of true pietie, &mortification comman- ded XIII.Decci t, wrefting the Scripture to be for vs, Obiea Ecclef.7.18,1E. explained. .draft:.