r' 220 j Thedeceitfulnef of Mans heart. ded in the word ? As for the latter words,of not be- ing too wicked, they doe not giue vs leaue to bee wicked in any fort, though neuer fo little , no more Rom. 6.1z. then the Apofile, Paying, Let not Jinn raigne, doth thereby giue liberty to vs , that finne may be tole- rated, fo it raigne not; or then bee loth , when hee layes, Let not the Sunne goe donne vp tryour wrath thereby giuelibertie to bee angry till the Sunne bee let. But ar there the meaning is, that iftt be fo, that wee cannot wholly bee free from rafh anger (which were to be wifhed) yet we fhould not nourifh it,but labour withal' fpeed toquench.it : fo alto here, that if it bee fo wee cannot altogether bee free from the taint of wickednef 'e,yet that wee fhould keepe our felues from lafhing out into the excefle thereof, as the common fort doe : no further are the vvords to be ftretched. 2. For continuing impenitently in their fins they Prou,I4.1 6. alleadge that of Salomon, the iufi roan falleth fêuen times a day,andrifeth againe. Which is to be under- flood of his falling into ffiiin , and not into inne. So likewife they vrge that of Ezechiel , At what time foeuer a fanner repents, &c. But they forget that of S. Ai ten,He whichgiueth. pardon to the repenter, doth. not alrrayes glue repentance to the (inner, Ectter..4. ) 3 For mixt dancing of men and women,that of c pounded. Salomon, There i4 a time to dance. Anfw. Salomon fpeakes not offuch things asvve ought to do, or may doe,by the Commandement or permißion of God, but of fuch things, as fall out , and come to paffe by the prouadenceand decree ofGod. There i6 an appointed time,nameïy,in Gods eternall decree; for euery thing; namely