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The deceit fulaefe o f Mans heart. namely the falls out, every-, either croffe, orplea- fiing accident; for otherwife there is no Inch time wherein we are bound to throw away that we havc.' fo as we are to keep and get it. 4 For ufury,tbat in the parable, Why didfi thou not put it firth to the exchanged, that I might havemine ozrne with vantage? Anfw. Grant that this be Cpoken in allufion to the pradife of common and cruell iCurers,yet the Scripture doth no more allow ofthe common trade of ulury by borrowing a fimilitude of them, than of injufîice in the parable of the thie- vi(h.fteward; or of theft,in faying,Chrift faall come as a thiefe in the night or of the Heathen Olym- pick games, in comparing the prauife of Chriflia- nity, to chore races; or ofdancing in that paraboli- call f peech we have piped,and ye have not danced; or of charmes and incantations, in likening the wicked to the deafe Adder , which heareth not the voyce of the Inchanter. 5 For for:.,ication,rhat it is indifferent,the words of the counCell; Ac`hr is. joyning fornication 1 and confotting it wich things indifferent , viz. blood and thinlgr firangled. Anfiv. The reaCon of chat conjunction was the ge- neral l account that thoCe times made of fornication, not the counfels own opinion. o For defiling , at the leali the outward man with idolatry. Naamans petition,Godbe mercifull un- to me when 1 come into the houfi o f Rimmon, with the Prophets anfwer,Goe in peace. 'Infix. The words in the originall,as Come learned have observed, may be read thus, Godbemercifnll unto Sze, for Ihave gone into Mat:zy. Luke t6.i. t Thef.f.z. t Cor,9, zq: A%at,ht I,s7. z Kin,q.ig,.. i:,terpreted.