222 The deceit fulnee of mans heart. Mat.to.75: c Cor.q.ao. opened. Rom paffiont fericordi,e, non fimulat on? fal- lar,ir fit, n,, tan- quarn ager qui; miniarat ægro. to, !cm cum fi lebres habere mentiter, fed cur.y animi, con- dolert: s, &c. Aug.in EPl. into the houfè of Rimmonlo that Namara now purpo- fng wholly to cleave to the true God, craves par- don for that which he had done ; no leave, for that he was to doe. Th.' word is ufed in the fame man- ner in 'he infcriptïon of twoPfaimes together:In the 5r Pfìlrna. A Pfalrr of David, after the Prophet Na- than came to him : For he did not make the Pfa lme , till after he had been with him. So in 52. Pfalr,ee. R P falm of David , after that Doeg came, aid (hewed Saul. &e. And Pfalfit 54. After the Ziphims came. 7 For a larolefe liberty to deale with our own things as we lift, that in the Parable, May I not do withmine ozone as Iliß ? L4 fifty. Isis Gods fpeech and his peculiar priviledge, not thine , who haft no- thing limply thine ovine. s For temporizing and framing of our felves to all companies,that of the Apoftle,vnto the tewes,lbe- came as alezr, &e.Anf.The Apof}le became as a Jew to the Jews,and as a Gentile to the Gcntiler, not in conforming himfelfe to any of their impieties, for he never facrificed to the Gentile Gods, to make himfelfe as one without the Law,to them that were without the Law; but, in the ufe ofthings indiffe- rent, 2. in a mercifull companion towards them tenderly earning in his bowels over their foules;not in a crafty counterfeiting of their fafhions : He be- commeth as a lick-man to the fick, not that fei- neth himfclf to be lick of the fame difeafe,but that minifl-reth unto him, and with a bemoning minde thinkerh what he would be glad others fhould do to him being lick, and does the fame to his brother. Divers fuch like wringings of Scripture might bee inftan