Dyke - BV4625 D943 1642

The deceit fielneffe of mans heart. inftauced in. But there are enough to give us a lay of the deceitfulnefl'e of our hearts in this kind. The lafi deceit is, the inventing of invafions, how to elude loch arguments, whether from the Scrip - ture, or from found reafon, as make againft our fin. To thew this in fume particulars. r When we pluck and pinch the long haire of Ruffians with that pregnant Text, It is fbame for a min to nearelong haire ; Nature it felfe teacheth it. ßnfwer is made , that it is only to be uuderflood of loch haire that is as long as womens : But as it i laid of the Pharifees, that their Phylae!eries were broad, but the expofitioniof the Law narrow; Co it may bee laid of thele men, their /mire is long. but their expoftion of this Scripture i3 fbort, whilef they reftraine the wo d, which fignifieth to nourífh the haire at large, onely to luch a kinde ofnourifli- ing as women uîe, that , let it grow down to their feet. Homer ulogthe Apoftles word, cals the Græ- cians, noùrifhers of their haire; who yet I hope did not we ire their haire lo long as women, that they were faine to binde it up. Thus inftead of clipping their haire, they clip the Scripture. 2 The like thiltis that which is ufed to decline the ftrolte of t ext.22.agaiaft Stage players where the man that put tethon womans apparel is laid to he an abomination to the Lord : A fearful' thunder -bolt But lo a thicket, which fome of Adam.: tonnes have Eland to hide themhlvesfrom this thundering voice of the Lord x and that is a corrupting gloffe, which interprets it of luch only , that weare womens ap- par el ordinarily, and daily, fo as woman rife to doe. Yea rzj XIV. Deceit, Eluding the Scriptures againft us. t Cor.II.14. KoF.uiv.