4 The deceitfidnefe of mans heart. neffe given to all men indifferently, or onely to Come ? Anfzn. To all fave Chrifi,in whofè mouth (and: fo heart) waa found no guile. By nature,all our hearts are alike. And the change that grace makes in this life,is not fuch but that in feme fort,the heart of the be fl may fill be laid to be deceitfull. Chrifl indeed gave Nathaniel this praife, that there was no guile in his heart . and Davidfayes the like of every jufti. fled man : but this is true onely of the fßirit, of the new oryoung man that is created by God in the re- generate, and not of the flefb,that oldmdn ; an old fox indeed, that by reafon of his age is often too hard for the young man : for youth is but Pimple in regard of old age Howbeit, as young men grow fill to further perfthion, and are on the increafing hand, whereas old men decreafe , till at length age brings dotage ; fo here the craft of this oldman is daily weakned, the rather for thofe many wounds which the ftronger young mans arme gives him in the braine, whereas the, ,:irituaff wifdome of the young man increafeth daily.. Thus then m a interpret thefe words of the Prophet, The heart of Haan is deceitf id, even the whole heart of the wicked, be- caute it is wholly flef ; and-parr of the heart of the godly, namely, the unregenerate and flefhy part. The heart of the wicked is deceitfull with a full, írong, and raigning deceitfulneffe; the deceitful- neffe that is in the heart of the godly,is weaker, as being difcerned of them, and Proven againf by them. The heart of the wicked Chews its deceitful- nefhe in the whole courfe oft heir lives.The godly-on- ly in fore part icssler a aions. As is fail of David, he Wa5