22 4 Ii1boch. i Sam. 17. Odio refiringa- re, favores am ph are. The deceitfulneffe of Mans heart. Yea,but the word is to put on,and it cannot be de. nied but players put it on when they aft women; parts And the fame word is ufed of Davids putting on Saul). armour, who yet put it off again e pre. kntly 3. And laftly, nor to exceed in multitude of ex- amples, when the negligence of Paftors is checked with that expreffe commandement, feed the Al that is, faith the deceitful' heart, either by thy Idle or by another : And yet Chrift biddeth Peter if bee love him , and as he loves him , to feed his fheep. Look then how thou art to love Chrift , fo thou art to feed his fheep : i f thou thinkeft it enough to love Chrift by a deputy, then maift thou alto fafely think it enough to feed his fheep by a depu y. It might be (hewed in many other things betides, how full of fubtill and fophifticall wit our hearts are in coyning of diftinfìions, and deviling fhifts to reftraiue hatreds, as they call them; that is, the com- mandements that make againft them : But the que- (ion is : whether there diftinEtions will goe for cur- rant, or no, before God. In there cafes it is bell to take that which is fureft,and freest from danger. No danger at all of finne can there be, in never putting on of womens apparel], in-wearing our hake in the ordinary fhortnefle, in feeding the flock in our own perlons. But the other matters are doubtful] & que- ftionable. Take heed therefore, left on thy dea.h. bed,thou make this doubt : O what if that were not the meaning ofthat place,feed the flock, that is, ei. ther by thy feife,or by thy fubftitute? How ifChrift meant only feeding by ourfelves, in our own per - fons?