.The deceit fxlneffe of MGM heart, 225 Cons? H,)w then? Who feeth not, that when death commeth, then all our quirks of wit. whereby we Cootted our felves in our fiunes, van.ifh away as Crooke: Venture not than to lean upon fuck broken (Eaves , which will furely falle thee in thy greatefi need. ST CHAP. XVII. seven deceits of the heart in perfwading to the omon of good. Aving fpoken of the deceits ofour hearts in perfwading to the commifon of evil, it remaineth that we proceed to their deceits in perfwading to the onion of that whichisGood. And they are CpeeialIy feven. The fire is, when as before the foule and ugly face of finne was painted with the faire colours of vertue and holineffe : to here,contrarily,the beauti. full face of venue is all to bee- flurred and fneared with the black foot of thole vices, which teem to have Come affinity with it. Thus confcience of fin is trade ced as precife niceneffe and needleffe fcru- pulofirie; obedience to Gods Lawes is thought the bafeft bondage. Pfal. z. Tull: feverity heares ill, un- %er the name of mercileffe cruelty, zeale is cenCu- red for hypocrifie,rafhneffe,madneffe, Patience for ttupidity,and cowardize, Humility for bafeneffe of Q minde 2 To omit goodwhere the I Deceit, disf- gttrirgof ver- tee wi h fins deformities 3 fiings9, IY;